Step 6: Start the egov-mdms service present in the following repo: https://github.com/egovernments/core-services/tree/master/egov-mdms-serviceOr port forward the egov-mdms service.
Configurable Properties:
Following are the properties in application.properties file in collection service which are configurable.
Property | Value | Remarks |
collection.receipts.search.paginate | true/false | By setting this property true, show you the search result of receipt in a bucket(page) which contains a certain number of records. |
collection.receipts.search.default.size | Certain number (say 30) | Give the 30 records at a time and next 30 results are in the next page. |
collection.is.user.create.enabled | true/false | By setting this property true, enabling the creation of user with receipt creation |
receiptnumber.idname | receipt.id | This property is used for creation of receipt number using ID-GEN service |
receiptnumber.servicebased | true/false | If servicebased is set to false, use default state level format for the format of receipt number and if it is set to true the format for the receipt number has to be mentioned in MDMS |
receiptnumber.state.level.format | [cy:MM]/[fy:yyyy-yy]/[SEQ_COLL_RCPT_NUM] | Default state level format for the receipt number. |
collection.payments.search.paginate | true/false | By setting this property true, show you the search result of payment records in a bucket(page) which contains a certain number of records. |
kafka.topics.payment.create.name | egov.collection.payment-create | The kafka topic on which the record has to push/pull when payment is created. |
kafka.topics.payment.cancel.name | egov.collection.payment-cancel | The kafka topic on which the record has to push/pull when payment is cancelled. |
kafka.topics.payment.update.name | egov.collection.payment-update | The kafka topic on which the record has to push/pull when payment is updated. |
API Calls:
This API search payments based on search parameters like consumerCode, mobileNumber, transactionNumber etc.