Versions Compared


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This document contains Product Requirements and specifications of mGramSeva.

mGramSeva app is majorly used to capture revenue and expenditures of GPWSCs. This will also help in brining about financial transparency to DWSS department on handed over schemes.

iFIX is designed and developed in 4 important parts.

  1. mGramSeva

  2. iFIX Adapter

  3. IFIX Core

  4. Reference dashboard

About mGramSeva

  1. Manage Gram Panchayats Master Data

    1. Manage Gram Panchayat Administrator

      1. Scheme handed over to GPWSC - RD

      2. Scheme with WSSD - WSSD

  2. Manage GP Level Settings

    1. Electricity Meters etc..

  3. Manage User Access 

  4. Manage Receipts

  5. Manage Expenditure

  6. View Reports

  7. Integrate with iFix Adaptor

    1. Manage Internal Transaction to Head Mappings

    2. Post to iFIX

      1. Save Reference ID

    3. Reconcile Transactions

    4. Fetching data from other systems

      1. Rural development system

      2. Banks

      3. Origami

      4. PFMS/Treasury

      5. PSPCL





Gram Panchayat




Financial Year


Punjab State Power Corporation Limited.


Integrated Financial Management System


Public Financial Management System


Gram Panchayat Water Supply and Sanitation Committee





  1. No visibility in the financial information(revenue and expenditure) of the GPWSS run schemes.


  1. Digitize the revenue collection process for water charges pertaining to schemes under GPWSC.

  2. Digitize expenditure information of schemes under GPWSC

  3. Pass the digitized fiscal information into the reference dashboard via iFIX.

Success Metrics

  1. 70% of GPs  from Anandpur Division should start using GPWSS system in month 1

  2. 90% GPs should start using GPWSS System by month 3

Potential Risks

  1. Not having adoption at ground

    1. Revenue collector not having a smart phone.

    2. Possible poor-connectivity issues in certain villages?


  1. GPWSC committee 

    1. Sarpanch/Secretary 

      1. View the dashboards by month/by billing cycle to ensure collections and expenditure rightly collected and spent. 

    2. Treasurer

      1. Generate bulk demand for each billing cycle in addition to viewing the dashboards for each billing cycle.

  2. Revenue collector

    1. Revenue collector is responsible for collection of revenue under each billing cycle. 

      1. Visiting each HH, raising bills, entering meter details for HH with metered connection, collecting the amount and handling collected revenue back to treasurer/committee will be part of Revenue collectors job.

Types of roles

  1. Collection Operator

  2. GP Admin (Consumer creation)

  3. Revenue (Bulk Demand) Processing

  4. Expense Processing

  5. GP Dashboard 


Feature List

Feature numberFeature Group

Sub - Feature



Select Language


Forget Password

Cards listing based on roles (Landing Page)

Tenant Selection (????)

Select Tenant

Switch Tenant

Generate Bulk Demand

Generate Bulk Demand

Bulk notification

Household information (New/Edit/Search)

New Connection

Search Connection

Edit Connection

View Household information


Raise Water bill (Metered)

Generate Bill (Acknowledgment screen)

SMS Notification

Bill PDF

Exception cases ??should this be handled.

Bill sequence number (Config)

Revenue of

Collect Payment

Generate Receipt

SMS Notification / eMail

Receipt PDF

Online Payment interface (navigated from SMS)

Payment gateway integration


Add Expense

Update expense detail


View collection & Exp dashboard

Sort & Filter Revenue table

Sort & Filter Expenditure table


Revenue and Expenditure Heads


Scheme Master


Electricity Connection


Boundary (Hierarchy Type, Boundary Type and Boundary)


Gram Panchayat


User Role





Billing Cycle????




Out of scope : 

  • Penalty Calculation (P2)

  • Advance Payment (P2)

Links to Screens

Application Flow 

Registration, Login and tenant selection






Users will be invited to the GP system via SMS. SMS will take the user to a language selection screen followed by a password setup screen.

Users will have 3 languages to select English,  Hindi and Punjabi.

GPs linked to the user's mobile number are shown on this screen.

Password Validation

Once the password is set, the user can log into the system.


Click on ‘Continue to login’  to proceed to the login screen.

Enter phone number and password to login.

For users associated with single GP, home screen will be shown with NO Dropdown for GP selection

IF a GP is added/removed to a user at a later point of time, the same will be added/removed from dropdown.


For users associated with multiple GPs, the home screen will be shown with Dropdown for GP selection.

Drop down will contain a list of GPs linked to the user's mobile number in alphabetical order.

Show GP Code along with GP name


Users who want to reset their password or forgot password will come on forgot password screen by clicking on “Forgot Password” Link on login screen.

Enter phone number and continue to receive a link to reset password.

Phone number should NOT be new. It should already be existing (linked to any GPs) in the system

How will users change of phone number be entered?

New Connection & Modify connection





Home Screen:

Users will see maximum 9  cards on home screen

  1. House Hold Register

  2. Create consumer

  3. Update Contact info

  4. Generate Water Bill

  5. Collect payments

  6. Download bill and receipts

  7. Add Expense record

  8. Update Expense record

  9. Dashboard

Validations: Depending on roles users will be able to take respective actions.


Consumer Creation

Users can create new HH/Consumer/Connection in the application using this option.  

UX after submitting the page - Confirm with Antriksh

Data Elements: 

  1. Consumer name*

  2. Father/spouse name*

  3. Phone number*

  4. Connection ID*

  5. Street number/street name

  6. Property type *

    1. Residential

    2. Commercial

  7. Service type*

    1. Metered Connection

    2. Non-Metered Connection

  8. Arrears

    1. Total Amount

    2. As on -  Date/Bill Month


  1. Same phone number with multiple connection IDs are allowed.

  2. Show error message when <user>  tries to create a second connection with the same connection ID, even if it is with a different phone number, name and address.


Edit Consumer information

Edit contact info (Home Screen) -> Search connection -> Consumer detail Screen

Connection ID is not editable. Rest all fields are editable.


Closed/Inactive connections

Generate Bulk Demand





This screen will be used by <role> to generate Bulk demand for non-metered consumer types in the GP.

Once Demand is generated for a billing cycle  all non-metered consumers will get notification that a bill is generated.

*Metered connections will get bill generated messages only after meter reading is entered. 

Data Elements:

  1. Service Category

  2. Service Type

  3. Billing Year/FY

  4. Billing Cycle

    1. Monthly

    2. Bi Monthly

    3. Quarterly

    4. Half yearly

    5. Yearly


If the demand is already generated, it should generate only for those HH for which demand does not exist for the given cycle. 



Online Payment

An SMS with payment link is sent to HH(Non-metered) as soon as demand is generated. This link will contain payment to current month plus arrears if any.

For metered connections,SMS is sent only after revenue collector visits the household enters meter readings and generates the bill.






<User> Can search for HH by mobile number or connection ID

Use Cases

  1. Mobile number or connection ID exists

  2. Mobile number has more than one HH

  3. Mobile number or connection ID doesn’t exist

  4. Both mobile number and Connection ID entered

    1. Correct mapping

    2. Incorrect mapping


Screen when HH mobile number has more than 1 Connection.

Each card will show following details

  1. Connection ID

  2. Owner Name

  3. Household Address

  4. CTA - View Details


After searching for HH by phone number or connection ID <user> lands onto this screen.

Show below details of the user

  1. Consumer Name

  2. Fathers/Spouse Name

  3. Phone number

  4. Connection ID

  5. Door Number

  6. Street Name/Street Number

Under this Aggregate information of the user is shown by the selected time range Financial year?

  1. Total amount paid

  2. Months paid for/ Months Demand is generated

  3. Units consumed

    1. For non metered connection this will be NA

  4. Months not billed

    1. Number of months in the selected year the household is not billed.

  5. Months unpaid

    1. Bill is raised but payment is not collected

  6. Net Due

    1. Amount to be paid against the bills raised

Below the aggregate information month wise billing information will be shown to <user>

Each card will have

  1. Month

  2. Amount

  3. Status & Actions (Mapped)

    1. Paid - Amount is collected

      1. Download Receipt

      2. Download Bill

    2. Unpaid - Bill is raised but amount is not collected

      1. Collect Payment

      2. Download Bill

    3. Unbilled -  Demand is generated but bill is not raised (Metered connections)

      1. Generate Bill

  4. Actions

    1. Generate Bill 

      1. Non metered connection - Generate bill option won’t be there as bill is already generated while demand creation

      2. Metered connection - User will be taken to generate a bill screen where meter readings will be entered.

    2. Download Bill

      1. Users will be taken to the download bill screen. A notification will be sent to HH with link to PDF

Is this possible? Are we storing month/cycle wise bill information for previous years too in the system?

  1. Collect Payment

    1. User will be taken to payment collection screen for respective cycle

  2. Download Receipt

    1. User will be taken to download receipt screen.Notification will be sent to HH with link to PDF


To generate bill for metered connection <role> will come onto this screen where

  1. Service category - Do we need this?

  2. Property type- Default

  3. Service type - Metered - Default

  4. Billing cycle(Month)

    1. Drop down can show list of months for which demand has been generated but not yet billed

  5. Previous meter reading (Number validation)

  6. New meter reading (Number validation)

Clicking on generate bill will generate bill for HH

Notification will be sent to HH

<role> will have the option to download the bill on his device.


HH information-> Generate Bill->Collect payment

HH information-> Collect payment

Payment information

  1. Bill ID number - Format

  2. Billing - Need to confirm whether payment will be collected for each month individually or will there  be only one bill generated which includes previous month bills as arrears?

Expense Record





<user> Can record expenses from this screen.

Following details are captured while entering expense record 

  1. Vendor Name

  2. Type of expense (Expenditure heads)

  3. Amount

  4. Bill Issued Date (Calendar Selection)

  5. Bill Paid

    1. YES

      1. Amount Paid

        1. Partial

          1. Bill Due Date

        2. Full

    2. NO

      1. Bill Due Date

  6. Attach Bill


User gets to this screen from two flows

Home screen -> Click on Dashboard -> Expenditure Tab

Home Screen -> Update Expenses 

Dashboard will be filtered by date

Data fields

  1. Total expenditure - Bill raised in selected month or amount spent in selected month (Applies to all fields)

  2. Amount paid

  3. Amount unpaid

  4. Total Bills

  5. Bills paid 

  6. Pending Bills

  7. Electricity Bill

  8. O&M and Misc

  9. Salary.







<role> clicks on dashboard on home screen to view GP dashboard

Default dashboard shows collections and expenditure table by each billing cycle in selected year(Financial/Calendar?)

Each cell represents net collection and expenditure for that billing cycle (Cash/Accrual?)




State/GP level

Revenue and Expenditure Heads

The various types of revenue and expenditure heads are configured in this master. This is similar to the chart of account COA master in finance. 

Data Elements:

  1. Head Code 

  2. Head Description

  3. Type (Revenue/Expenses) 


Scheme Master

The Scheme information under which various GP/s are grouped within for executing a project to build various types of assets to enable water supply to Households.  

Data Elements:

  1. Scheme Name

  2. Scheme Code

  3. Scheme Based (Ground Water/Surface Water/Others)

  4. No of GPs

  5. Division/District

  1. Water Capacity

  2. Asset Details 

  3. Asset Type

  4. Total Cost 

  5. Population 

  6. LPCD


Electricity Connection

List of electricity connections that a GP owns. To enable auto expense recording with respect to electricity expenses, the system would be integrated into the PSPCL system to pull the bill and payment information.

  1. Account No.

  2. Billing Cycle ??

Note : The integration approach will define other attributes that will need to be added as part of master

Boundary (Hierarchy Type, Boundary Type and Boundary)

The jurisdiction details of the State and GP is defined in this master. 

Hierarchy Type : Admin

Boundary Type : 

At State










Ward (?)

Boundary : Refer the work plan sheet


Gram Panchayat

The Detail pertaining to the Gram Panchayat is defined in this master. 

Data Elements :







User Role

This master details various roles that defines the access rights to the user who has the respective role mapped. 

Types of Roles 

  1. Collection Operator

  2. GP Admin 

  3. Revenue (Bulk Demand) Processing

  4. Expense Processing

  5. GP Dashboard 


The various users of the application are created in this master. 

Data Elements:

  1. User id

  2. Name

  3. Mobile Number

  4. Gender

  5. Date of Birth

  6. Address

  7. Roles

  8. Jurisdictions


The rates that are applicable for the various combinations of the HH attributes are defined in this master. For a given Tax head(Charge),  the rates and type of calculation are defined by connection/Prop type and Service type of the HH. 

Billing Cycle 

The Billing  cycle against which the demand is generated. The cycles for every year based on the billing cycle type is defined in this master at every GP. 


  1. Billing cycle? Monthly/bimonthly?

    1. Monthly

  2. Revenue collector for multiple GPs?Multiple

    1. Yes. Revenue collector can have access to multiple GPs

  3. Multiple roles in each GP?

    1. Role based access restrictions ?is possible

  4. Cash based or accrual based dashboards in the GP system?

    1. Cash based accounting system is implemented

  5. Is the expense source recorded?

    1. Right now users will be able to add expenses manually. PSPCL integration is in roadmap.

  6. Calendar year or financial year for collections cycle & review?

    1. Financial year is followed.

  7. Multiple electricity meters under the same GP? 

    1. Yes this is possible.

  8. Until what level do we need access to the dashboard?

    1. All mGramSeva dashboard permissions are given based on accesses.

  9. How many water connections are meter based and non meter based?

    1. By GPWSC, we have received this data.

  10. How many connections are Residential and commercial? What are the tariff rates for residential and commercial? 

    1. By GPWSC we have received this data

  11. Based on the new mandate, the funds from 15th Finance commission can be used to pay the electricity bill if there is a shortage in collection. How is this recorded? 

  12. Apart from cash and cheque mode of collection are there any other modes of collections?

Reference Dashboard


  1. Manage User Account and Access

    1. View Role Wise Aggregated Dashboard

    2. View Role Wise Disaggregated Dashboard

      1. Drill Down to Next Level

      2. Filter by Heads

      3. Filter by Date Range

      4. Filter by source of funds

    3. View Transaction List and Details

      1. View Transaction List for given head for a given day

      2. View Specific Transaction Detail

    4. View Exceptions and Notifications

Why Reference Dashboard

  1. DWSS department doesn't have enough visibility on fiscal information of GPWSC run schemes.

  2. A reference dashboard containing revenue and expenditure information of GPs along with scheme information collected from systems like IFMS/treasury, eSamikshya would help in getting greater visibility into the system.


  1. Data collected from GPWSC system and other systems should flow into Reference dashboard via iFIX

Success Metrics



  1. DWSS Department Officials


  1. Fiscal Overview


Why do we need this/What problem will this solve?

  1. Fiscal overview gives a snapshot of Financial Status of the selected administrative entity.

  2. For any period of time, users can see the collection and expenditure trends & make inferences further on actuals vs expected, outstanding amounts (bills and receipts).This also has a month-on-month view and cumulative view.

  3. It gives a view of how arrears are getting accumulated over time. 

Individual Views on Charts

Consolidated Actuals

  1. Actual Collections

    1. How much amount is collected in that particular month.

    2. If the time range selected is less than a month, then show only a point on the graph when hovered show collections only for that time period.

  2. Actual Expenditure

    1. How much amount is collected in that particular month.

    2. If the time range selected is less than a month, then show only a point on the graph when hovered show collections only for that time period.


Why this is important - In normal views, arrears and pending expenditure piling up would again be a horizontal curve, whereas, in cumulative views, when filtered till date, gives an exact picture of all pending arrears and bills to be paid.   

Collections and Expenditure Actuals


iFIX Core

iFIX Core

  1. Manage Application Registration

    1. Developer who is integrating their application (e.g. departmental application like GPWSS or Treasury or dashboard) creates a new account at Portal and raises a request for application by filling up the following details

      1. Personal Details

      2. Department Details

      3. Nature of Application being asked

      4. API Access Required

        1. Posting

        2. Querying

        3. ….

      5. Heads under with the Postings will be done

      6. ….

    2. The application is reviewed by the iFIX Administrator who accepts and rejects the application with appropriate comments. 

    3. Email is sent to the registered email address to inform the user accordingly. 

    4. If approved, the user can download the access key and reference iFIX Adapter which can be modified to enable the integration.

    5. Also gets access to iFIX API Documentation

  2. Support Integration and Testing

    1. Developer is provided test environment to check test postings

    2. Once completed the developer requests for moving to production.

    3. After checks, approval is given by the administrator. 

    4. New key for production is generated.

  3. Manage Posting of Fiscal Events

    1. Events start getting posted into the iFIX Platform

    2. Postings can be viewed on the developer dashboards.

    3. For every API call an unique acknowledgement code is generated and sent back to as a response for the developer to store.

  4. Manage Reconciliation

    1. End of day reconciliation happens between the iFIX Platform and source system to ensure no transactions have been missed.

    2. If transactions are missing, then they are identified and posted to iFIX.

  5. Identify and Raise Exceptions

    1. Sink systems can register into iFIX to listen to fiscal events. 

    2. They can configure call backs on the Developer dashboard to listen to these events.

    3. iFIX will provided the following times of Events 

      1. Standard Events - Daily End of Day Report on various heads at different levels - State, Zone, …… 

      2. Intelligent Events 

  6. Provide Query Interface

    1. iFIX will provide Query APIs to aggregated - Daily, Weekly. Monthly data on various heads...

iFIX Adaptor  

  1. GPWSS Adapter

    1. Manage Mappings of Internal Transaction to various Head

    2. Transform Internal Data to iFIX Fiscal Event Format

    3. Post to iFIX and Store iFIX Acknowledgement ID

    4. Manage Reconciliation with iFIX

    5. Expose Transaction Level Query APIs for iFIX to call

    6. IFMS Treasury System Adapter

      1. Post Chart of Accounts and Department Access to iFIX

      2. Post Budget Allocations and Adjustments to iFIX

    7. Reference Dashboard Adapter

      1. Listen to iFIX Daily Events and store in internal database

      2. Real Time Query to iFIX for Transaction List and Transaction Details

    8. List of other systems that we need to integrate with and associated adapters.

      1. …..

  1. Taxonomy 

Domain - PFM (fiscal events, CoA, hierarchy etc.) 

Platform - common minimum language and understanding 

  1. Project plan 

<<To be detailed out>>

  • First draft of BRD - 1 June 2021 (Rao / Manish)

  • Final draft of BRD - 15 June 2021 

  • GoP side preparations

    • Cadence 

    • PoC execution team 

    • IT execution team

    • RD, PSPCL, FD teams


  • Non - tech plan - …….

  • Tech plan - ……...

    • Architecture 

    • Infra

  • Releases -........

  • Piloting - September 2021 

  1. Discussion points

    1. Internal 

  • 25 May 2021

ExCom meeting:VT, CM,JM,MS and KL




Key decisions 








iFIX core and adapter


GPWSC build


  1. Daily 

  2. Weekly 

  3. Monthly 

  1. External


  1. Minutes of meetings  

    1. Internal 

Date : 17/05/2021

Attendees Ghanshyam, Satish, CK, Nagaraju

Discussion points

  1. Went through HRMS to understand tenant role mapping.

  2. In case each GP is a tenant, how will the user login without entering tenant ID. 

  3. Remove units consumed from bill generation screen

  4. Billing Cycle configuration

  5. Add sub-category under user charges?

25 May 2021

ExCom meeting:VT, CM,JM,MS and KL




Key decisions 






Use the existing framework


Rao, Jojo and Manish 



Overall CK owner

Aayush Sharma to start working for iFIX until Sr.PM is onboarded 



Chandar and Rao (done)


iFIX core and adapter


AWS conditional


Rao and Manish


GPWSC build


Internal team to build GPWSC

Assign team by 1 June 

AWS conditional

Infr. costing to be done (inclu POS) 



Date : 28/05/2021

Attendees Ghanshyam, Satish, CK

Discussion points

  1. Went through comments on PRD.

  2. OTP based login for GPWSS system

  3. Ghanshyam to get back with confirmation on approach estimating development efforts as different approaches have already been discussed.

  1. GoP

    1. 20210527 - Discussion with EE of Anandpur Sahib Division 

Date : 21/06/2021

Discussion Points

  1. Viraj wants hosting to happen in AWS and not SDC

  2. IFIX can be hosted by DGR & FD

  3. eGramSeva has to be hosted by DWSS but not with PMIDC

  4. Reference Dashboard for POC can be with DWSS but we need to think of future of reference dashboard

  5. Viraj to talk to Ajoy from PMIDC for addition of Another instance in same AWS

  6. We need to go back with requirements, costing, timelines to state.

  7. Walkthrough IFIX WIP PPT

    1. Accrual based - account for revenue and expense before events happen (money changing hands is not important)

    2. Cash based - Revenue or expenditure happens only when money changes hands

  8. Quick view of DK Srivastava report of the committee on fiscal statistics - Everyone from iFIX should read

  9. Eventually Dashboard should have both cash based and accrual based views.

  10. Ananonymization, compilation, aggregation - ifix takes care. We are currently not having view on how to do verification.

  11. COA - new ones will be followed - Digital blueprint has old COA

  1. List of key stakeholders


  1. List of Question for Treasury

    1. What is the information that iFIX will need from the Treasury and how can the Treasury System provide this information?

      1. Chart of Account - Need attributes and data format in which Treasury can share this information

        1. Which departments have access to the post under which head? 

      2. Budget Allocations and Adjustments

        1. We need a mechanism so that any changes to these should also be notified to iFIX

      3. Receipts and Expenditure Postings - Information posted by various levels of administrative hierarchy - e.g. DDO etc.

        1. Sample data format and frequency at which this information can be shared.

    2. Does treasury have a visibility on 

      1. Planned vs unplanned expenditure

      2. Effectiveness of Funds granted and utilized

      3. Idle funds & fund movement in other bank accounts

      4. Granularity in Source of revenue

  2. IFMS system

    1. You can access the Youtube page of the IFMS Punjab here. It is a very well-maintained repository and captures a great lot of workflows

    2. You can access the user manuals etc. at the IFMS website here

    3. I, Abhishek, and Devesh also spoke to the NIC team w.r.t. our questions we had back then. Recording, MoM, and Questions from the call can be accessed here.

  3. Tech systems within DWSS

    1. We spoke to Varun and others to do a macro analysis of the systems they are using. While I am sure the team would have gone much deeper now w.r.t. these systems but still sharing the recording and notes of the call.

      1. Recording: here

      2. Notes: here

      1. .


PRD Questions

  1. Should we have digit Branding for GP App? “Powered by Digit” YES

  2. Will it be GPWSC|Punjab instead of mSeva|Punjab?

    1. mGramSeva | 

  3. Can a GP member change his phone number? How will the system get notified?

  4. While creating a consumer record, if the connection ID is entered wrong(human error), how will this be corrected?

  5. Will phone number of consumer be editable? 

    1. In this case, search by connection ID and Phone number(New & OLD) have to be handled

  6. How will download receipt work for multi cycle & partially payment cases?

    1. Ex. user hasnt paid Rs1500 for last 10 months(monthly billing rs150). Agrees to pay 500. Will 3 months be marked as paid? If yes, How will receipt of these months look like? Since individually receipt is not generated in consolidated billing. - Will check the apportioning logic with team

    2. Is a separate status of partially paid needed?

  7. Cards for billing cycle shows up automatically on each new cycle? Or upon demand generation?

  8. Expiry of payment link in case of non metered connections?

    1. User gets SMS upon demand generation but doesnt pay for 2-3 months. 

      1. Older links expiry time?

      2. Once payment is made, What will these links point to?

  9. For demand generation in metered connection, is billing cycle required? or Billing dates are required? How will billing dates be transformed to cycles for dashboard?

    1. Need to confirm, even in case of metered connections, rates are flat or logic driven. 

    2. What if meter reading entered is wrong and huge bill amount is sent to user?

  10. Logic for Bill id and receipt id generation?

  11. To drive adoption can we send SMS notifications to Sarpanch,Secretary on reminder of revenue collection for new demands and pending collections? Ps

  12. Are we going to do Digit version or ERP version of Bills and receipts?


  • Policy copy to be shared

  • Performa for schemes information

  • Screenshots of expenditure types. 

  • PCR formats 

  • 14/15th FC process for returning funds 

  • Fines and incentive approach for recording revenue. Net or actuals?


Text - Done

Text - To-Do with Design team

Text - Blocked

Text - Need more clarity

Question raised

Response/Clarification from the team

If the user doesn’t receive the SMS, is there a way to register manually?

Need a way to do this

Clarification on Scheme vs GP as tenant

Summarized by Ghanshyam

  1. Tenants will be GPs. We will follow geographical hierarchies.

  2. Will have mapping of GPs to scheme.

  3. For expenses they will make entries from cash book at GP level 

How are we onboarding tenant

No User interface. Will be done from the backend only.

Separation of Fathers name and Spouse name while HH Creation

Have separate fields. Refer Digit modules for the same.

New Tile on Home Screen for consolidated PDF

This needs to be added. 

What are we giving in Update contact Consumer info tile on home page?

  1. Updating mobile number is allowed

  2. We need to have an effective date when details, that impact bill are getting updated (for ex- non-metered->metered, residential -> commercial) . 

If phone number is changed for contact info how will search function?

  1. Search will happen using UUID and is already taken care of.

  2. If we are allowing HH to change something that will affect the bill itself then we should have an effective date from when this new information is effective.

  3. Any changes made should be given as a report for them to Audit.

  4. Downloading receipt after information is changed, will show new information in receipt. 

  5. Privacy issue - masked name and number - take a call after digit has implemented it. Not a key issue for today. 

Whenever connection iDs are present have both old and new connections

Yes. Noted

Instead of generating demand manually can we do a bulk demand generation for all GPs for their respective billing cycles?

Open Issue

  1. We need to have a scheduler as well to generate demand automatically.

  2. Bill generation dates for different GPs can be in different months but billing cycles need to be the same across Starting fiscal year. This way penalty can be avoided

  3. Viraj -> Rao - Ask WSSD If they can do the same bimonthly billing cycle.

  4. PRK to check and update how it is done in chennai -  example of 2cr bills raised in march & 2 cr raised in April

  5. Quarterly cycle can also solve the issue

  6. Make a one Pager & state our recommendations along the billing cycle. To-Do


  1. Move type of expense to top

  2. Vendor name should start showing predictive text from registry

  3. PSPCL - if requirements are not clear this week, Do it for V2 (3 weeks later). Don’t jump the proposed release date.

  4. In Multi GPs case, We should ensure expense bill doesn’t gets entered more than once 

  5. Pre-populate scheme name during expenditure entry

  6. To restrict users adding expenses under multiple GPs

    1. Allow SLC to login only into 1 GP and make entry

  7. ‘Add another expense’ link after expense is added.

  8. Initial entry for expenditure - they will enter expense bills of the current fiscal year.

  9. Add “bill period” for expense entry.

  10. Need to simplify the expense page. Currently it looks complex.

Cashbook for expenditure

  1. Just like PDF for billing book, have cashbook PDF for expenditures

  2. Date entered, vendor name, expense etc just like offline register and share as PDF

  3. Expenditure dashboard should be like a simple cash register which can also be printable.


  1. Every dashboard should have “As of Date”

  2. Current financial position should be highlighted. 

Feedback screen

  1. Give text box also. Let them write some feedback

  2. Use one kind of icons (faces or stars, but not both)


  1. Whenever bills/receipts are generated Revenue collector should be able to share via whatsapp


  1. Be careful about using colors

  2. After collaborating with sattwa, need some considerations on using whitespace on the bill.


  1. If need to do rollout by 31 Aug Sathish P to come back with requirements

  2. Data has to be on the dashboard by 30 sept.


  1. Collect ground data on phone usage at GPs

  2. Set up success metrics on transactions and GP users (Bills issued, payments made online etc)

  3. From KK, get more detailed sense of adoption.

    1. Need plan in next 15 days

    2. Jojo to connect Rao and KK

  4. We should allow inputs in punjabi and hindi (Not a blocker for v1) - should be solved at platform level

    1. Check Tarrento’s Anuvad


  1. Ghanshyam to estimate costs of set up and hosting. Team to talk to Ajoy on feasibility of hosting within PMIDC


  1. 15 days grace period to pay bill

    1. Surcharge 2% for first 5 days, 5% for next 10 days

    2. Interest 1.5% on arrears from month 2 onwards

  2. At any point there is only 1 Bill for a connection. All old bills are added as arrears in new bill

  3. Billing cycles can be both monthly and bimonthly and automatically shifts for a connection as per load. 

    1. <10KW - Bimonthly

    2. >10 KW -  monthly

  4. All meters are manually read and bills are generated.

  5. Asked to contact punjab IT cell chief engineer for any technical details. 

Bill Distribution and Collection Options

  1. Bill Distribution

  2. Digital Bill with SMS Link direct to customer

    1. Pros

      1. Customer can view all their bills

    2. Cons

      1. Only 40% phone numbers are available in the database

      2. Some people insist on physical bills (which is the current process)

  3. Generate PDF of all Bills and send to collection agent


GP as a tenant

Single Village Scheme (SVS)

Multi Village Scheme (MVS)


  1. Users will be onboarded from backend through MDMS.

  2. No selection of tenant while logging in

  1. Users will be onboarded from backend through MDMS.

  2. Selection of tenant is mandatory while logging in.

  3. Users can switch between tenants as required.


  1. Each GP will be attached to Single Scheme

  1. More than 1 GP will be attached to a scheme  


  1. Revenue collected will be at GP level

  1. Revenue collected will be at GP level


  1. Expenses will be entered at GP level

  1. Expenses will be entered by SLC members (Since expenditure is made by SLC & not by GPWSC)

    1. But we don’t have a distinction of SLC/GPWSC member for users while onboarding

    2. So, GPWSC members will have access restrictions to expense entry screens

  2. Expenses will be made under a tenant(GP). 

    1. As the GPs are tagged to a scheme, only one scheme level entry is shown (on dashboards)

  3. Ensure Expenses are entered by SLC only once and not by individual GPWSC members for MVS 


  1. GP Dashboards will be scheme wise, though GP is the tenant

  2. For SVS this doesn’t make any difference

  1. GP Dashboards will be scheme wise, though GP is the tenant

  2. GPWSC users under MVS will see the scheme wise dashboard though they dont have access to data entry and expenditure of other GPs under same MVS

  3. SLC users will see scheme level dashboards.


  1. Users part of multiple SLCs

    1. Logging in into one GP will show scheme wise report of that MVS, switching to GP of other MVS will change the report to new scheme

  2. Users part of 1 GPWSC and 1 SLC (3 GPs)

    1. S/he will have views of 2 schemes 

Reference Dashboard for GPWSC

  1. In the hierarchy, the last level of disaggregation is at schemes. (During asset handover process, GPWSC is formed for schemes and not GPs)


  1. For the case where there is 1 GP and Multiple GPWSC’s (Assets), Since collections are happening at tenant level, scheme wise data is not available.

This case doesn’t exist theoretically. As far as XEN, Social Team are concerned each GP has only one GPWSC.
