Versions Compared


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  • Overview

  • Total Cumulative Connection

  • Water Connection By Usage

  • Sewerage Connections By Usage

  • Connection By Channel

  • W&S Connection Ageing


Revenue Tab :


Overview graph contains multiple data information as below in the selected time period.

  • Total Requests Today’s Collection : Which represents the no of FSM applications count This represents the today’s collection amount for Water and Sewerage Application Fee + Consumption Charges.

  •  Total Sludge Treated Collection : This represents the total sludge dumped at the yard in KL.Average FSM Cost collection amount for Water and Sewerage Application Fee + Consumption Charges.

  • Target Collection : This represents the average target collection amount for the FSM applicationsWater and Sewerage connections.

  • Total Collection Target Achievement : This represents the total collection amount for the FSM achieved in percentage. This is calculated by formula- (Total Collection/Target Collection)*100%

  • SLA Compliance :  This represents the total SLA achieved in percentage.

    Average Citizen Rating : This represents the Citizen Average Rating value.

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Total Cumulative Collection:

This Graph contains the Water and Sewerage collection amount information in the monthly base as a cumulative line graph for each water and sewerage collection separately. This will change as per the denomination amount filter selection.

line - this graph/chart is data representation on date histograms or date groupings.




Top ULB By Performance: 

This graph represents the ULB’s based on the sla Target achieved in bar chart representation with the % of sla target achieved in ascending order. Also this chart contains the drill down to give the complete information regarding each ULB.


drillChart : If there is a drill down on the visualization, then the code of the Drill Down Visualization is added here. This will be used by Client Service to manage drill downs. 

This chart consists of drill down so we gave the drill down chart key as reference in this chart as in the above picture.

Here is the drill down chart config params.

Table  chart Sample: This chart comes with 2 kinds, table and xtable.

table type allows aggregated fields added as available in the query keys, hence to extract the values based on the key, aggegationPaths needs to add along with their data type as in pathDataTypeMapping



Bottom ULB by Performance: 

This graph represents the ULB’s based on the sla achieved in bar chart representation with the % of sla achieved in descending order. Also this chart contains the drill down to give the complete information regarding each ULB.


On click of show more You will navigate to tabular chart of bottom ULB by performance.




descending order.


Bottom ULB by Performance: 

This graph represents the ULB’s based on the target achieved in bar chart representation with the % of target achieved in ascending order.



W&S Collection by Usage Type: 

This graph shows the collection amount based on the usage/property type and this amount will change as per the denomination filter change and this also shows the % of the top 4 properties, remaining properties will go under others category.


FSTP - Capacity Utilization

This graph is in the line chart representation and shows the data in cumulative format, and it contains the information about the waste collecting plant capacity utilization in %  and also shows the total waste dumped at plant in KL at the top of the graph. 


Monthly Septage Collected

This graph shows the data in horizontal bar representation and bars contain data in monthly wide and non cumulative data. This graph contains the monthly information of septage collected and dumped at the plant in KL.


Top DSO By Performance

This graph represents the DSO’s based on the no of dso requests and based on sla achievement in bar chart representation in ascending order. Also this chart contains the drill down to give the complete information regarding each DSO.


On click of show more we can see the details of the available DSO’s under the selected ULB.


Bottom DSO By Performance

This graph represents the DSO’s based on the no of dso requests and based on sla achievement in bar chart representation in descending order. Also this chart contains the drill down to give the complete information regarding each DSO.

This is the bottom DSO drill down chart which represents the table chart type.


On click of show more we can see the details of the available DSO’s under the selected ULB.



Desludging Request Report


This tabular chart representation graph shows multiple FSM information like no of open application requests, closed requests, total requests, completion rate in %, sla achieved in % and total collection amount.


W&S Collection by Channel Type: 

This graph shows the collection amount based on the collection channel type(eg-online, counter, etc) and this amount will change as per the denomination filter change.


W&S Key Financial Indicators:

This tabular chart representation graph shows multiple W&S information like Target Collection, Total Collection, Total Transactions, Total Connections and Target Achievement (in %). And this table shows the data in district level and also has the drill down chart for each district to ulb and from ulb to ward level data for the same.

xtable type allows to add multiple computed fields with the aggregated fields dynamically added.

To add multiple computed columns,  computedFields []  where actionName (IComputedField<T> interface), fields [] names as in exist in query key, newField as name to appear for computation must be defined.


On click of any district name will enter into drill down charts, which will represents that specific District data.


On click of the ULB will navigate to wards under that specific ULB and each ward shows the specific data regarding that ward.


W&S Tax Heads:

This tabular chart representation graph shows multiple W&S information like Total Collection, Penalty, Interest and Target Collection. And this table shows the data in district level and also has the drill down chart for each district to ulb and from ulb to ward level data for the same.

table type allows to add multiple aggregated fields.



On click of any district name will enter into drill down charts, which will represents that specific District data.


On click of the ULB will navigate to wards under that specific ULB and each ward shows the specific data regarding that ward.


 Service Tab :


Overview graph contains multiple data information as below in the selected time period.

  • Connections : This represents the total active water and sewerage connections.

  • SLA Compliance :  This represents the total SLA achieved in percentage.

  • Water-Metered Connections : This represents the total active metered water connections.

  • Water-Non Metered Connections : This represents the total active non-metered water connections.

  • Sewerage Connections : This represents the total active sewerage connections.

  • Total Applications : This represents the total number of applications for new, modify, and disconnections requests.


Total Cumulative Connections:

This Graph contains the Water and Sewerage connections information in the monthly base as a cumulative line graph for each water and sewerage connections separately.

line - this graph/chart is data representation on date histograms or date groupings.



Water Connections by Usage Type: 

This graph shows the active Water connections based on the usage/property type.


Sewerage Connections by Usage Type: 

This graph shows the active Sewerage connections based on the usage/property type.



W&S Connections by Channel Type: 

This graph shows the active water and sewerage connections by channel type(eg-online, counter, etc).


W&S Connection Ageing:

This tabular chart representation graph shows W&S applications that have been submitted and have been pending to be worked on. The information like Pending from 0 to 3 days, Pending from 3 to 7 days, Pending from 7 to 15 days, Pending for more than 15 days, and Total Pending Applications is shown in the chart. And this table shows the data in district level and also has the drill down chart for each district to ulb and from ulb to ward level data for the same.


To add multiple computed columns,  computedFields []  where actionName (IComputedField<T> interface), fields [] names as in exist in query key, newField as name to appear for computation must be defined.

chartSpecificProperty : This is specific to National DSS, and it is used to achieve the xtable column order along with the computed fields. This property is not used in any other modules till now.



On click of any district name will enter into drill down charts, which will represents that specific District data.


On click of the ULB will navigate to wards under that specific ULB and each ward shows the specific data regarding that ward.


Vehicle Log Report

This table shows data data of vehicle trips which have no of trips, Total septage collected, total septage dumped and capacity utilization in %. This graph also contains the drills downs from district to ULB and from ULB to vehicle level, which shows the vehicle no.



On click of any district name will enter into drill down charts, which will represents that specific District data.





Newly introduced property:


queries.module : The module / domain level, on which the query should be applied on. Facial Sludge Management is fsmWater and sewerage is W&S.

queries.indexName : The name of the index upon which the query has to be executed is configured here.


Postman collection for National DSSW&S- Dss: