Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
let { isLoading, isError, data: applicationDetails, error } =, tenantId, applicationNumber, serviceType);  let workflowDetails = Digit.Hooks.useWorkflowDetails(    {      tenantId: tenantId,      id: applicationNumber,      moduleCode: applicationDetails?.processInstancesDetails?.[0]?.businessService,    },    {      enabled: applicationDetails?.processInstancesDetails?.[0]?.businessService ? true : false,    }  );
  const { data: reciept_data, isLoading: recieptDataLoading } = Digit.Hooks.useRecieptSearch(    {      tenantId: stateCode,      businessService:  serviceType == "WATER" ? "WS.ONE_TIME_FEE" : "SW.ONE_TIME_FEE",      consumerCodes: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationNo    },    {      enabled: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationType?.includes("NEW_")    }  );
const { data: oldData } ={    tenantId,    filters: { connectionNumber: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.connectionNo, isConnectionSearch: true },    businessService: serviceType,  });


It is common for all modules, find the path here:


  1. Application:


Method Reference:

const applicationDownloadObject = { order: 3, label: t("WS_APPLICATION"), onClick: handleDownloadPdf, }; 

File Path:


2.Estimation Letter

After pending for Field inspection stage is done (if status is pending for approval) Estimation letter will get generated.


Method Reference:

const wsEstimateDownloadObject = { order: 1, label: t("WS_ESTIMATION_NOTICE"), onClick: () => getFiles([applicationDetails?.applicationData?.additionalDetails?.estimationFileStoreId], stateCode), };

File Path:

3. Sanction letter and Download Receipt

After payment stage is done (status is pending for connection activation) Sanction letter and receipt will get generated.


Sanction Fee Method Reference:

const sanctionDownloadObject = { order: 2, label: t("WS_SANCTION_LETTER"), onClick: () => getFiles([applicationDetails?.applicationData?.additionalDetails?.sanctionFileStoreId], stateCode), };

Receipt Method Reference:

const appFeeDownloadReceipt = { order: 4, label: t("DOWNLOAD_RECEIPT_HEADER"), onClick: () => getRecieptSearch(applicationDetails?.applicationData?.tenantId ? applicationDetails?.applicationData?.tenantId : Digit.ULBService.getCurrentTenantId(), reciept_data?.Payments?.[0], applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationNo, receiptKey ), }; 

File Path:

Localisation :

Localisation keys are added under the ‘rainmaker-ws’ locale module.

Water & Sewerage workflow:
