After creation of payment response with receipt data, it has been pushed into kafka topic “egov.collection.migration” and with the persister, payment data is inserted into tables egcl_payment, egcl_paymentdetail, egcl_bill, egcl_billdetial, egcl_billaccountdetail .
Indexer config for the legacy data index and new payments.
persister config - https://github.com/egovernments/configs/blob/master/egov-persister/collection-migration-persister.yml
Please get these promoted before initiating the migration process. Migration happens through an API call, add role-actions based on your requirement. Otherwise, port-forwarding should work.
Find the API details below:
Endpoint: /collection-services/payments/_migrate?batchSize=20
"RequestInfo": {
"apiId": "Rainmaker",
"action": "",
"did": 1,
"key": "",
"msgId": "20170310130900|en_IN",
"ts": 0,
"ver": ".01",
"authToken": "a6ad2a1b-821c-4688-a70e-4322f6c34e54"