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For the creation of a receipt voucher, one should call theĀ  /rest/voucher/_create endpoint which is referred to in this contract. One receipt voucher will be is created in the Finance system in approved status for a receipt that is pushed. In order to make sure multiple vouchers are not created for a any receipt, pass the reference number and billing service appropriately. There is another APIĀ /rest/voucher/_search to search for any voucher.

Collections can be made in - Cash, Cheque, DD, online. There are different chartofaccounts configured for each of these instruments. The third-party system will have to pass the correct account code while creating a voucher. DIGIT Finance will be the source of truth for chartofaccount code. This is applicable for all the masters that are required for a voucher, like- Fund, Function, Department and any other.

For Online collections, the money will be either directly debited to the bank or to a cash in transit account. Configuration needs to be done based on the state/city requirement.

Back update the source system for voucher reference if required.

Steps to configure

  • Make sure all the common masters that are used for voucher creation are in sync with the two systems.
  • If a city has a specific bank account to which the money needs to be accounted for online collection, configure the bank account in DIGIT Finance as well as in third-party application with the account code kept same.
  • Write a kafka consumer to post the voucher to DIGIT Finance when collection happens. Keeping the two asynchronous is better.Back update the source system for voucher reference if required.
  • Create a new role for "Finance System Integrator" in DIGIT Finance.
  • Create a new user with type as "SYSTEM" and role as "Finance System Integrator".
  • Share the user credentials to the third-party system for them to pass it as part of the authentication key.