This will be a closer level of integration with the platform. All the platform services will be used in the ERP, just the core application related stuff will remain in the ERP. UIs will be rendered from the ERP itself. Beyond Level 1 coexistence some more integrations like the below listed billing and collections will be covered at this level.
- Integrate with platform demand and billing services
- Any demand generated from the ERP application will be done using the demand and billing services of the platform.
- The billing cycle will be configured in the platform for these services.
- Integrate with platform collection service including payment gateway integrations
- Any collections made in the ERP application should use the collection service in the platform and receipts are to be created in the platform.
- Receipt print will be rendered from the collection service.
- Online payments where payment gateway is involved will use the same services as that of the platform.
Level 3
This level will integrate with the workflow engine of the platform.
- Integrate with the platform workflow service
- Call the workflow service from the platform for any workflow in the application. This way the position based workflow in the ERP will be replaced with the role-based workflow from the platform.
- Render the workflow items of various entities in the platform and ERP together in the Inbox.
- All features of the platform workflow like the SLA and escalation can be utilized for the ERP entities also.
- Using MDMS service for defining the configuration and master data in the ERP
- State-level and ULB level configurations and master data can be kept in the platform using the MDMS service
This level will actually try to reuse all the core services in the platform over and above Level 23. Few of the integrations can be-