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  • Sr No: Defines the serial no of the line item.

  • Name: Company/Firm Name or a Individual Person Name

  • Contractor Code: A unique code that identifies the contractor of the works

  • Permanent Address: Company/Firm permanent address or a Individual Person permanent address

  • Correspondence Address: Alternative address of a Company/Firm or a Individual Person Alternative address

  • Registration No: Company/Firm registered number, it’s a unique number assigned by the Registrar of Companies. The registration number is made up of an alphanumeric code that is 21 digits long

  • Contact Person: Details of a contact person of a individual or a Company/Firm.

  • Email ID: Company/Firm email Id or a individual person email Id

  • Mobile No: Company/Firm Mobile number or a individual person mobile number

  • PAN No: Company/Firm registered PAN number or a individual person PAN number

  • GST/TIN No: Company/Firm registered GST/TIN number is a Tax Identification Number which is a unique 15-digit number.

  • GST registered State/UT: The company/Firm has a multiple business with the state or union territory a separate registered GST number is a Tax Identification Number which is a unique 15-digit number.

  • Bank Name: Company/Firm Bank Name in which they hold the account or a individual person Bank account name which he/she holds the account

  • Bank Account No: Company/Firm Bank Account number or a individual person Bank Account number.

  • IFSC Code: The Bank IFSC code pertaining to the bank Account of the Company/Firm or a Individual person holding a bank account

  • Status: Active/inactive status to be mentioned for the individual contractor

Steps to fill data

  • Identify all the “Contractor” details which exists at State and ULB Level.

  • Collect all the information and feed into the respective columns accordingly.
