Receipts can be created in the system using different modes of payment- cash, cheque, dd , and card, online and so on. For each of these modes, Finance accounting will be different. The account head to which the collected amount is be debited will be defined here.
- instrumenttype - This will be the instrument type code.
- glcode - This will be the account code (Chart of accounts) in the Finance system which is relevant for this instrument.
- validFrom - This is the date in epoch format from which this configuration is applicable.
- validTo - This is the date in epoch format until which this configuration is applicable.
All online receipts will be accounted into some pre-defined bank accounts. Most probably there will be a different bank account configured for a city or ULB and there can be separate bank account configured for various business services. Make sure this bank account is created in the Finance accounting system, which will be linked to a chartofaccount code. The account head to which the collected amount is be debited will be defined in the mapping json. If there is a different bank account configured per city, this mapping file will need to be kept at the city level and not state-level.
"OnlineGLcodeMapping": [
"servicecode": "PT",
"glcode": "4502001",
"validFrom": 1234567890,
"validTo": 2345678901
"servicecode": "TL",
"glcode": "4502003",
"validFrom": 1234567890,
"validTo": 2345678901
Details of each parameter
- servicecode - This will be the business service code.
- glcode - This will be the account code (Chart of accounts) in the Finance system that is associated with the bank account which is relevant for this particular business service.
- validFrom - This is the date in epoch format from which this configuration is applicable.
- validTo - This is the date in epoch format until which this configuration is applicable.
Now that you have gone through this document lets see what are the steps to be followed for configuring a new service with finance.
- Firstly make sure the finance-collections-voucher-consumer service is running.
- Next, add an entry into BusinessServiceMapping.json file with appropriate mapping data. Be very sure the master data mapping given are valid ones.
- Then add one entry per tax head in the TaxHeadMasterGlCodeMapping section in AccountHeadMapping.json. Make sure you don't miss any tax heads here.
- If there are any new mode of payments add an entry for the same in the InstrumentGLcodeMapping section of AccountHeadMapping.json (this is not a frequent case)
- Push the code to the GitHub repository.
- Reload the egov-mdms-service pod.
- Create the bank account in the finance system to which amount needs to be accounted in case of online payments by a citizen.
We are all set to go. Any receipt created for the newly created service will create a corresponding voucher in the finance system.