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Sr. No

Ownership sub-type code*

Ownership Type Code*

Ownership sub-type description (In English)*

Ownership sub-type description (In Native Language)




 Single Owner

 एकल स्वामी




Multiple Owner

 मल्टीपल ओनर

*Mandatory Columns


Data Definition

Below is the definition of the data present in the template:

  1. Ownership sub-type Code: This is the code that is being used to categorize the sub type.

  2. Ownership Type Code: This is the mapping between the Ownership Type and Sub Type.

  3. Ownership sub-type (In English): Description of the ownership Sub type in English Language.

  4. Ownership sub-type description (In Native Language): Description of the ownership Sub type in Hindi Native Language.

Steps to fill Data

  1. Firstly get all the sub classifications under a particular classification.

  2. Get there codes and start filling the template.

  3. Fill in the codes for the sub category in the 2nd column with there proper mapping of Ownership Type category(Parent level).

  4. Repeat the steps for all the ownership type categories(Parent Level) .


  1. No sub category should be left without a code.

  2. There should be a mapping code between the sub category(child) and category(parent level), no child can be left without a parent.

  3. Make sure that no code which is not mentioned in the ownership category classification can be used.

  4. Make sure that the every sub classification has a unique code and should be alphabetic.


  1. Below attached is the template for the data gathering of the ownership sub Types:
