Property | Value | Remarks |
kafka.topics.notification.sms.name | egov.core.notification.sms | It is the topic name to which the notification sms consumer would subscribe. Any module wanting to integrate with this consumer should post data to this topic only. |
sms.provider.class | Generic | This property decides which SMS provider is to be used by the service to send messages. Currently, Console, MSDG and Generic have been implemented. |
sms.provider.contentType | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | To configure form data or json api set sms.provider.contentType=application/x-www-form-urlencoded or sms.provider.contentType=application/json respectively |
sms.provider.requestType | POST | Property to configure the http method used to call provider |
sms.provider.url | URL of the provider. This will be given by the SMS provider only. | |
sms.provider.username | egovsms | Username as provided by the provider which is passed during the API call to the provider. |
sms.provider.password | abc123 | Password as provided by the provider which is passed during the API call to the provider. This has to be encrypted and stored |
sms.senderid | EGOV | SMS sender id provided by the provider, this will show up as the sender on receiver’s phone. |
sms.config.map | {'uname':'$username', 'pwd': '$password', 'sid':'$senderid', 'mobileno':'$mobileno', 'content':'$message', 'smsservicetype':'unicodemsg', 'myParam': '$extraParam' , 'messageType': '$mtype'} | Map of parameters to be passed to the API provider. This is provider-specific. $username maps to sms.provider.username $password maps to sms.provider.password $senderid maps to sms.senderid $mobileno maps to mobileNumber from kafka fetched message $message maps to the message from the kafka fetched message $<name> any variable that is not from above list, is first checked in sms.category.map and then in application.properties and then in environment variable with full upper case and _ replacing -, space or |
sms.category.map | {'mtype': {'*': 'abc', 'OTP': 'def'}} | replace any value in sms.config.map |
sms.blacklist.numbers | 5*,9999999999,88888888XX | For blacklisting, a “,” separated list of numbers or number patterns. To use patterns use X for any digit match and * for any number of digits match |
sms.whitelist.numbers | 5*,9999999999,88888888XX | For whitelisting, a “,” separated list of numbers or number patterns. To use patterns use X for any digit match and * for any number of digits match |
sms.mobile.prefix | 91 | add the prefix to the mobile number coming in the message queue |