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Service sub-category and GL code mapping is to capture the accounting related parameters for each service sub-category and same is used to pass the accounting vouchers into accounting and finance system.

Data Table


*Service Category

*Service Subcategory (English)

*Service Subcategory (Local Language)






Data Definition





Column Name

Data Type

Data Size

Is Mandatory?

Definition/ Description


Service Category


The type of category which is to be mapped with the relevant service subcategory.


Service Subcategory (English)


Nomenclature of “Service Sub-category” in English.


Service Subcategory (local Language)


Nomenclature of “Service Sub-category” in Local Language.




General Ledger Code (GL Code) is a string of alphanumeric characters assigned to each Service





The CODE which is specified and assigned to each ULB by state government.




The Master Department Code associated at “Service Category” at the State Level. The Department Code can be


ascertained from the master record of Department code.




The type of fund allocated/associated with the respective service subcategory.

Steps to Fill Data

  • Once the mapping between Service Category & Subcategory is sorted out. Refer to the Municipal Account Codes to allocate the GLCODES respectively against the mapping. For the subcategories whose GLCODES are unavailable, the financial integration won't be possible.

  • Collect the above information and feed it below the “GLCODE ” column accordingly. The GLCODE must only be alphanumeric in nature.

  • Fill in the relevant details of ULB CODE, DEPT CODE & FUND.


  • All the fields with * sign are mandatory to be filled in. Without this information, the system configurations cannot be executed.

  • A “single entry” should be made against the respective column. Incase of multiple entries, continuation must be followed.

  • The “GLCODE” must be a valid and approved alphanumeric string, the GLCODE shall be 7 digits. The misinformation here will lead to the flow of revenue in the discrepant/void service subcategory.


  • Refer to “Service Subcategory GLCODE Mapping Tab” in the uploaded template.

  • For sample data reference, refer to the uploaded “sample date” file.

View file
nameTemplate - MCS - Service Category and Service Subcategories.xlsx


  1. Download the data template attached to this page.

  2. Have it open and go through all the headers and understand the meaning of them by referring 'Data Definition' section.

  3. Make sure all the headers, its data type, field size and its definition/ description is understood properly. In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this document with you to discuss the same and clear out the doubts.

  4. Identify all different types of grievances on the basis of ULB’s functions.

  5. Start filling the data starting from serial no. and complete a record at once. repeat this exercise till the entire data is filled into a template.

  6. Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and taking care of each and every point mentioned in the checklist.


The checklist is a set of activities to be performed once the data is filled into a template to ensure data type, size, and format of data is as per the expectation. These activities have been divided into 2 groups as given below.

Common Checklist

This checklist covers all the activities which are common across the entities.

To see common checklist refer to the page Checklistconsisting of all the activities which are to be followed to ensure completeness and quality of data.

Entity Specific Checklist

This checklist covers the activities which are specific to the entity.


Configuration data template - Service Sub-Category GL Code Mapping

Sample configuration data - Service Sub-Category GL Code Mapping