Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
let { isLoading, isError, data: applicationDetails, error } =, tenantId, applicationNumber, serviceType);  let workflowDetails = Digit.Hooks.useWorkflowDetails(    {      tenantId: tenantId,      id: applicationNumber,      moduleCode: applicationDetails?.processInstancesDetails?.[0]?.businessService,    },    {      enabled: applicationDetails?.processInstancesDetails?.[0]?.businessService ? true : false,    }  );
  const { data: reciept_data, isLoading: recieptDataLoading } = Digit.Hooks.useRecieptSearch(    {      tenantId: stateCode,      businessService:  serviceType == "WATER" ? "WS.ONE_TIME_FEE" : "SW.ONE_TIME_FEE",      consumerCodes: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationNo    },    {      enabled: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationType?.includes("NEW_")    }  );
const { data: oldData } ={    tenantId,    filters: { connectionNumber: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.connectionNo, isConnectionSearch: true },    businessService: serviceType,  });


Application Details Screen:


Modify Application Details:On

click on application number from inbox/search screen/connection search, it will route to application details screen.
Search call is made before render the screen and details populated based on the search response.Ad-hoc Rebate/penalty and View breakup details: Employee: Ad-hoc Rebate/Penalty and View Breakup in application details.

Timeline View:


It is common for all modules, find the path here:


  1. Application:


Method Reference:

const applicationDownloadObject = { order: 3, label: t("WS_APPLICATION"), onClick: handleDownloadPdf, }; 

File Path:

Hook Details for application Details search:

Code Block
let { isLoading, isError, data: applicationDetails, error } =, tenantId, applicationNumber, serviceType);  let workflowDetails = Digit.Hooks.useWorkflowDetails(    {      tenantId: tenantId,      id: applicationNumber,      moduleCode: applicationDetails?.processInstancesDetails?.[0]?.businessService,    },    {      enabled: applicationDetails?.processInstancesDetails?.[0]?.businessService ? true : false,    }  );
  const { data: reciept_data, isLoading: recieptDataLoading } = Digit.Hooks.useRecieptSearch(    {      tenantId: stateCode,      businessService:  serviceType == "WATER" ? "WS.ONE_TIME_FEE" : "SW.ONE_TIME_FEE",      consumerCodes: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationNo    },    {      enabled: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationType?.includes("NEW_")    }  );
  const { data: oldData } ={    tenantId,    filters: { connectionNumber: applicationDetails?.applicationData?.connectionNo, isConnectionSearch: true },    businessService: serviceType,  });

Application Details Screen:


Timeline View:


It is common for all modules, find the path here


2.Estimation Letter

After pending for Field inspection stage is done (if status is pending for approval) Estimation letter will get generated.


Method Reference:

const wsEstimateDownloadObject = { order: 1, label: t("WS_ESTIMATION_NOTICE"), onClick: () => getFiles([applicationDetails?.applicationData?.additionalDetails?.estimationFileStoreId], stateCode), };

File Path:

3. Sanction letter and Download Receipt

After payment stage is done (status is pending for connection activation) Sanction letter and receipt will get generated.


Sanction Fee Method Reference:

const sanctionDownloadObject = { order: 2, label: t("WS_SANCTION_LETTER"), onClick: () => getFiles([applicationDetails?.applicationData?.additionalDetails?.sanctionFileStoreId], stateCode), };

Receipt Method Reference:

const appFeeDownloadReceipt = { order: 4, label: t("DOWNLOAD_RECEIPT_HEADER"), onClick: () => getRecieptSearch(applicationDetails?.applicationData?.tenantId ? applicationDetails?.applicationData?.tenantId : Digit.ULBService.getCurrentTenantId(), reciept_data?.Payments?.[0], applicationDetails?.applicationData?.applicationNo, receiptKey ), }; 

File Path:

Localisation :

Localisation keys are added under the ‘rainmaker-ws’ locale module.

Water & Sewerage workflow:
