Creating Boundary data for Gram Panchayat in ULBNAME/egov-location/boundary-data.json
The GP details will be given in Annexure-5,in hierarchyType - REVENUE ,add GP data after locality data.
The json format of GP is :Code Block { "id": 6, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "GP 1", "localname": "GP1", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "GP", "code": "GP1", "children": [ { "id": 11, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Village 1", "localname": "Village local 1", "longitude": 74.871552, "latitude": 31.63089, "label": "Village", "code": "VIL1", "pincode": [ 143001 ], "area": "V-Area1", "children": [] }, { "id": 12, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Village 2", "localname": "Village local 2", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Village", "code": "VIL2", "pincode": [ 143001 ], "area": "V-Area1", "children": [] } ] },
Code Block |
{ "tenantId": "pg.rourkela", "moduleName": "egov-location", "TenantBoundary": [ { "hierarchyType": { "code": "REVENUE", "name": "REVENUE" }, "boundary": { "id": 1, "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Rourkela", "localname": "Rourkela", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "City", "code": "pg.rourkela", "children": [ { "id": "2", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Pradhanpalli", "localname": "Pradhanpalli", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "Locality", "code": "VIL1" }, { "id": "3", "boundaryNum": 1, "name": "Other", "localname": "Other", "longitude": null, "latitude": null, "label": "GP", "code": "OTH1", "children": [] } ] } } ] } |
How Steps to create the jsons of GP data -
The GP data is given in excel format.
Copy all the GP’s list and make an excel with format given below
Adding Slum Details in ULBNAME/FSM/Slum.json
The name of the slums will be provided.The format of slum adding in mdms is:Code Block { "name": "slumname", "active": true, "code": "CODE001", "locality": "VIL1" },
How to create Steps To Create the jsons of Slum data :
The slum data is provided in excel format.
Make and an excel with with given format
Code Block |
{ "code": "MAHINDRA", "name": "Mahindra", "active": true }, { "code": "MAHINDRA.TRUCK", "name": "Truck", "active": true, "make": "MAHINDRA", "capacity": "1000", "amount": "1500" }, |
The code should be different for each vehicle and in format make.name .
Name of the ULB: | Anandapur Municipality |
| |
Details | Description | Vehicle-1 | Vehicle-2 |
Cesspool Tank Capacity (in Litres) | -> | 1000 | 3000 |
Per trip Pricing for Residential properties | -> | 1000 | 2000 |
Per trip Pricing for Commercial properties | -> | 1000 | 3000 |
Per trip Pricing for Institutional properties | -> | 1000 | 2000 |
Per trip Pricing for Slum areas | -> | 800 | 1500 |
Steps to make billing-slab data-:
A. Create an excel file in given format