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To search bill


To make payment


A user of type SYSTEM with BBPS specific role mapped to be created. The SYSTEM user will not have access to application. Only API’s can be accessed.

/user/oauth/token (to generate authtoken)


{ "code": "BBPS_ADMIN",

"name": "BBPS ADMIN",

"description": "Role for BBPS ADMIN" }

BBPS Specific role to be added in state specific MDMS repository


{ "rolecode": "BBPS_ADMIN", "actionid": 1812,

"actioncode": "",

"tenantId": "uk"


The required actions like fetchbill, create transaction, update transaction and make payment to be mapped for BBPS role.

(Note: All the API’s are in the same postman collection therefore same link is added in each row)

Integration Steps:

  • MDMS Changes : In MDMS repository, add a role specific to BBPS in “roles.json” file. After adding role, the required actions should be mapped to this role in “roleactions.json“ file. Here for BBPS integration, the fetchbill, create/update transactions and create payment actions to be mapped. The actionid’s for these endpoints should be taken from the “actions-test.json“ for mapping. The details are given in the API list section above. Once the data is added restart the MDMS service to get the changes into effect.

  • USER Creation : In our system we have users of different types like Employee, Citizen and System. For BBPS integration we need to create user of type System who have access only to the API’s and not to our application. Create a user of type SYSTEM, map user to the BBPS role and tenant with state tenant ID(ex: uk.uttarakhand which is base tenant). The api “Createnovalidate“ is used to create system users. While using this endpoint we need to pass the authtoken of a Superuser or the HRMS employee who is responsible for creation of employees in the system. The endpoint details are given in the API list section above.

  • API Calls : For making the required API call we need to pass the authtoken of the BBPS system user. Use the authtoken api endpoint for generating the authtoken. The userid and password of the BBPS system user to be provided as parameter for the authtoken api. The endpoint details for authtoken generation is given in the API List section above.

  • Payment Modes : For making payment, we have different modes. Expecting enduser to use payment mode as ONLINE. “transactionNumber” is mandatory field in the api. The api contract details are here