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  • Central Instance

Changes This page contains the changes related to core and municipal services , mdms, devops and config setups for along with the MDMS, DevOps and configuration setups required to accommodate multi-tenancy. Browse through the details below to learn more about the Central Instance.

Refer - to to find additional information.

  • SeviceService-request module(Citizen Feedback Module):
    Add this service-request module for the surveys to work.
    Following files need to be added:

    • Sevice-request module

    • New Persister file : service-request-persisterDevOps environment file : Add persister file path

    • Helm chart addition

    • build config

    • Code Block
      - name: "builds/digit-dev/core-services/service-request"
            - work-dir: "core-services/service-request"
              image-name: "service-request"
              dockerfile: "build/maven/Dockerfile"
            - work-dir: "core-services/service-request/src/main/resources/db"
              image-name: "service-request-db"
    • Mdms : Role-action-mapping changes

  • Access Control Actions Test

  • Access Control Role Actions

    • Once done with above additions, hit the Job-builder.

    • Restart following services:
      egov-accesscontrol, egov-mdms-service, egov-persister

    • Deploy the service-request module build

      For further details on how to use Citizen-feedback apis Refer: Citizen Feedback service
