After adding all required Dependency and config we will create code for Birth-Registration.
Create Form UI:-
First, we will create a form where users can enter all required information and submit the form.
for that, we need to create an index.js into web->micor-ui->internals ->packages->module->br->src->pages->citizen->create(you can give any name instead of create)->index.js
In Index.js will import the Formcomposer that is already present. inside that, we will add Heading, label, and config.
import { FormComposer } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components"; import React from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { newConfig } from "../../../components/config/config"; const Create = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const configs = newConfig?newConfig:newConfig; return ( <FormComposer heading={t("Create Birth Registration")} label={t("ES_COMMON_APPLICATION_SUBMIT")} config={ => { return { ...config, body: config.body.filter((a) => !a.hideInEmployee), }; })} fieldStyle={{ marginRight: 0 }} /> ); }; export default Create;
export const newConfig =[ { "head": "Birth-Details", "body": [ { type: "component", component: "BrSelectName", key: "BrSelectName", withoutLabel: true, }, { type: "component", component: "BRSelectGender", key: "BRSelectPhoneGender", withoutLabel: true, }, { type: "component", component: "BRSelectPhoneNumber", key: "BRSelectPhoneNumber", withoutLabel: true, }, { type: "component", component: "BRSelectEmailId", key: "BRSelectEmailId", withoutLabel: true, }, { type: "component", component: "BrSelectAddress", key: "BrSelectAddress", withoutLabel: true, }, { type: "component", component: "SelectCorrespondenceAddress", key: "SelectCorrespondenceAddress", withoutLabel: true, }, ] }, ];
Add Card On Homepage:-
import { CitizenHomeCard, PTIcon } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components"; import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { useRouteMatch } from "react-router-dom"; import CitizenApp from "./pages/citizen"; import Create from "./pages/citizen/create/index"; import EmployeeApp from "./pages/employee"; import BrSelectName from "./pagecomponents/BrSelectName"; import BRSelectPhoneNumber from "./pagecomponents/BrSelectPhoneNumber"; import BRSelectGender from "./pagecomponents/BRSelectGender"; import BRSelectEmailId from "./pagecomponents/SelectEmailId"; import BRSelectPincode from "./pagecomponents/BRSelectPincode"; import BrSelectAddress from "./pagecomponents/BrSelectAddress"; import SelectCorrespondenceAddress from "./pagecomponents/SelectCorrespondenceAddress"; import SelectDocuments from "./pagecomponents/SelectDocuments"; import BRCard from "./components/config/BRCard"; import BRManageApplication from "./pages/employee/BRManageApplication"; import RegisterDetails from "./pages/employee/RegisterDetails"; import Response from "./pages/citizen/create/Response"; const componentsToRegister = { Response, RegisterDetails, BRManageApplication, BRCard, SelectDocuments, SelectCorrespondenceAddress, BrSelectAddress, BRSelectPincode, BRSelectEmailId, BRSelectGender, BRSelectPhoneNumber, BrSelectName, BRCreate : Create, }; export const BRModule = ({ stateCode, userType, tenants }) => { const { path, url } = useRouteMatch(); const moduleCode = "BR"; const language = Digit.StoreData.getCurrentLanguage(); const { isLoading, data: store } = Digit.Services.useStore({ stateCode, moduleCode, language }); if (userType === "citizen") { return <CitizenApp path={path} stateCode={stateCode} />; } return <EmployeeApp path={path} stateCode={stateCode} />; }; export const BRLinks = ({ matchPath, userType }) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const links = [ { link: `${matchPath}/birth`, i18nKey: t("Create BirthRegistration"), }, ]; return <CitizenHomeCard header={t("BirthRegistration")} links={links} Icon={() => <PTIcon className="fill-path-primary-main" />} />; }; export const initBRComponents = () => { Object.entries(componentsToRegister).forEach(([key, value]) => { Digit.ComponentRegistryService.setComponent(key, value); }); };
import React from 'react'; import { initDSSComponents } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-dss"; import { PaymentModule, PaymentLinks, paymentConfigs } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-common"; import { DigitUI } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-core"; import { initLibraries } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-libraries"; import { initEngagementComponents } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-engagement"; // import { initWSComponents } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-ws"; import {initCustomisationComponents} from "./Customisations"; import { initCommonPTComponents } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-commonpt"; import { BRModule ,initBRComponents ,BRLinks} from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-br"; initLibraries(); //"WS" removed the ws enabledModules ; const enabledModules = ["Payment","QuickPayLinks", "DSS","Engagement", "BR"]; window.Digit.ComponentRegistryService.setupRegistry({ ...paymentConfigs, PaymentModule, PaymentLinks, BRModule, BRLinks, }); initBRComponents(); initDSSComponents(); initEngagementComponents(); // initWSComponents(); initCustomisationComponents(); function App() { const stateCode = window.globalConfigs?.getConfig("STATE_LEVEL_TENANT_ID") || process.env.REACT_APP_STATE_LEVEL_TENANT_ID; if (!stateCode) { return <h1>stateCode is not defined</h1> } return ( <DigitUI stateCode={stateCode} enabledModules={enabledModules} /> ); } export default App;
example->index.js :-
import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { initLibraries } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-libraries"; import { BRModule, initBRComponents ,BRLinks} from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-br"; import { initDSSComponents } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-dss"; import { PaymentModule, PaymentLinks, paymentConfigs } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-common"; import { initEngagementComponents } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-engagement"; import { DigitUI } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-core"; // import {initCustomisationComponents} from "./customisations"; // import { PGRModule, PGRLinks } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-module-pgr"; // import { Body, TopBar } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components"; import "@egovernments/digit-ui-css/example/index.css"; // import * as comps from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components"; // import { subFormRegistry } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-libraries"; var Digit = window.Digit || {}; const enabledModules = [ "Payment","QuickPayLinks", "DSS","Engagement","BR"]; const initTokens = (stateCode) => { const userType = window.sessionStorage.getItem("userType") || process.env.REACT_APP_USER_TYPE || "CITIZEN"; const token =window.localStorage.getItem("token")|| process.env[`REACT_APP_${userType}_TOKEN`]; const citizenInfo = window.localStorage.getItem("Citizen.user-info") const citizenTenantId = window.localStorage.getItem("Citizen.tenant-id") || stateCode; const employeeInfo = window.localStorage.getItem("Employee.user-info"); const employeeTenantId = window.localStorage.getItem("Employee.tenant-id"); const userTypeInfo = userType === "CITIZEN" || userType === "QACT" ? "citizen" : "employee"; window.Digit.SessionStorage.set("user_type", userTypeInfo); window.Digit.SessionStorage.set("userType", userTypeInfo); if (userType !== "CITIZEN") { window.Digit.SessionStorage.set("User", { access_token: token, info: userType !== "CITIZEN" ? JSON.parse(employeeInfo) : citizenInfo }); } else { // if (!window.Digit.SessionStorage.get("User")?.extraRoleInfo) window.Digit.SessionStorage.set("User", { access_token: token, info: citizenInfo }); } window.Digit.SessionStorage.set("Citizen.tenantId", citizenTenantId); if(employeeTenantId && employeeTenantId.length) window.Digit.SessionStorage.set("Employee.tenantId", employeeTenantId); }; const initDigitUI = () => { window?.Digit.ComponentRegistryService.setupRegistry({ PaymentModule, BRModule, PaymentLinks, BRLinks, // TLModule, // TLLinks, }); initDSSComponents(); initEngagementComponents(); initBRComponents(); // initCustomisationComponents(); const stateCode = window?.globalConfigs?.getConfig("STATE_LEVEL_TENANT_ID") || "pb"; initTokens(stateCode); const registry = window?.Digit.ComponentRegistryService.getRegistry(); ReactDOM.render(<DigitUI stateCode={stateCode} enabledModules={enabledModules} />, document.getElementById("root")); }; initLibraries().then(() => { initDigitUI(); });
import { Calender, CardBasedOptions, CaseIcon, ComplaintIcon, DocumentIcon, HomeIcon, Loader, OBPSIcon, PTIcon, StandaloneSearchBar, WhatsNewCard } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components"; import React from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; const Home = () => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const history = useHistory(); const tenantId = Digit.ULBService.getCitizenCurrentTenant(true); const { data: { stateInfo } = {}, isLoading } = Digit.Hooks.useStore.getInitData(); const conditionsToDisableNotificationCountTrigger = () => { if (Digit.UserService?.getUser()?.info?.type === "EMPLOYEE") return false; if (!Digit.UserService?.getUser()?.access_token) return false; return true; }; const { data: EventsData, isLoading: EventsDataLoading } = Digit.Hooks.useEvents({ tenantId, variant: "whats-new", config: { enabled: conditionsToDisableNotificationCountTrigger(), }, }); if (!tenantId) { history.push(`/digit-ui/citizen/select-language`); } const allCitizenServicesProps = { header: t("DASHBOARD_CITIZEN_SERVICES_LABEL"), sideOption: { name: t("DASHBOARD_VIEW_ALL_LABEL"), onClick: () => history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/all-services"), }, options: [ { name: t("Birth-Registration"), Icon: <OBPSIcon />, onClick: () => history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/br-home"), }, ], styles: { display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", justifyContent: "flex-start", width: "100%" }, }; const allInfoAndUpdatesProps = { header: t("CS_COMMON_DASHBOARD_INFO_UPDATES"), sideOption: { name: t("DASHBOARD_VIEW_ALL_LABEL"), onClick: () => {}, }, options: [ { name: t("CS_HEADER_MYCITY"), Icon: <HomeIcon />, }, { name: t("EVENTS_EVENTS_HEADER"), Icon: <Calender />, onClick: () => history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/engagement/events"), }, { name: t("CS_COMMON_DOCUMENTS"), Icon: <DocumentIcon />, onClick: () => history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/engagement/docs"), }, { name: t("CS_COMMON_SURVEYS"), Icon: <DocumentIcon />, onClick: () => history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/engagement/surveys/list"), }, ], styles: { display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", justifyContent: "flex-start", width: "100%" }, }; return isLoading ? ( <Loader /> ) : ( <div className="HomePageWrapper"> <div className="BannerWithSearch"> <img src={stateInfo?.bannerUrl} /> <div className="Search"> <StandaloneSearchBar placeholder={t("CS_COMMON_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER")} /> </div> </div> <div className="ServicesSection"> <CardBasedOptions {...allCitizenServicesProps} /> <CardBasedOptions {...allInfoAndUpdatesProps} /> </div> {conditionsToDisableNotificationCountTrigger() ? ( EventsDataLoading ? ( <Loader /> ) : ( <div className="WhatsNewSection"> <div className="headSection"> <h2>{t("DASHBOARD_WHATS_NEW_LABEL")}</h2> <p onClick={() => history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/engagement/whats-new")}>{t("DASHBOARD_VIEW_ALL_LABEL")}</p> </div> <WhatsNewCard {...EventsData?.[0]} /> </div> ) ) : null} </div> ); }; export default Home;
Integration with Backend Api:-
Hooks: -
import { useQuery, useMutation } from "react-query"; import BRService from "../../services/elements/BR"; export const useBRCreate = (tenantId, config = {}) => { return useMutation((data) => BRService.create(data, tenantId)); }; export default useBRCreate;
service → elements
import Urls from "../atoms/urls"; import { Request } from "../atoms/Utils/Request"; const BRService = { create: (data, tenantId) => Request({ data: data, url:, useCache: false, method: "POST", auth: true, userService: true, params: { tenantId }, }), get: (data, tenantId) => Request({ data: data, url:, useCache: false, method: "GET", auth: true, userService: true, params: { tenantId }, }), }; export default BRService;
service-> atoms-> url.js
br: { create: "", get:"", },
register index.js
import Enums from "./enums/index"; import mergeConfig from "./config/mergeConfig"; import { useStore } from "./services/index"; import { initI18n } from "./translations/index"; import { Storage, PersistantStorage } from "./services/atoms/Utils/Storage"; import { UserService } from "./services/elements/User"; import { ULBService } from "./services/molecules/Ulb"; import Hooks from "./hooks"; import { subFormRegistry } from "./subFormRegistry"; import BRService from "./services/elements/BR"; const setupLibraries = (Library, props) => { window.Digit = window.Digit || {}; window.Digit[Library] = window.Digit[Library] || {}; window.Digit[Library] = { ...window.Digit[Library], ...props }; }; const initLibraries = () => { setupLibraries("SessionStorage", Storage); setupLibraries("PersistantStorage", PersistantStorage); setupLibraries("UserService", UserService); setupLibraries("ULBService", ULBService); setupLibraries("Config", { mergeConfig }); setupLibraries("Services", { useStore }); setupLibraries("BRService", BRService); return new Promise((resolve) => { initI18n(resolve); }); }; export { initLibraries, Enums, Hooks, subFormRegistry };
Use service into create.js add on submit function
import { FormComposer, Loader } from "@egovernments/digit-ui-react-components"; import React, { useState } from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import { newConfig } from "../../../components/config/config"; const Create = () => { const tenantId = Digit.ULBService.getCurrentTenantId(); const { t } = useTranslation(); const history = useHistory(); const onSubmit = (data) => { let Users = [ { user: { babyFirstName: data?.BrSelectName?.babyFirstName, babyLastName: data?.BrSelectName?.babyLastName, fatherName: data?.BrSelectName?.fatherName, motherName: data?.BrSelectName?.motherName, gender: data?.BrSelectGender?.gender, doctorName: data?.BrSelectName?.doctorName, hospitalName: data?.BrSelectName?.hospitalName, placeOfBirth: data?.BrSelectName?.placeOfBirth, applicantMobileNumber: data?.BRSelectPhoneNumber?.applicantMobileNumber, altMobileNumber: data?.BRSelectPhoneNumber?.altMobileNumber, emailId: data?.BRSelectEmailId?.emailId, permanentAddress: data?.BrSelectAddress?.permanentAddress, permanentCity: data?.BrSelectAddress?.permanentCity, correspondenceCity: data?.SelectCorrespondenceAddress?.correspondenceCity, correspondenceAddress: data?.SelectCorrespondenceAddress?.correspondenceAddress, bloodGroup: data?.SelectCorrespondenceAddress?.bloodGroup, tenantId: tenantId, }, }, ]; /* use customiseCreateFormData hook to make some chnages to the Employee object */ Digit.BRService.create(Users, tenantId).then((result,err)=>{ let getdata = { , get: result } onSelect("", getdata, "", true); console.log("daaaa",getdata); }) .catch((e) => { console.log("err"); }); history.push("/digit-ui/citizen/br/response"); console.log("getting data",Users) }; /* use newConfig instead of commonFields for local development in case needed */ const configs = newConfig?newConfig:newConfig; return ( <FormComposer heading={t("Create Birth Registration")} label={t("ES_COMMON_APPLICATION_SUBMIT")} config={ => { return { ...config, body: config.body.filter((a) => !a.hideInEmployee), }; })} onSubmit={onSubmit} fieldStyle={{ marginRight: 0 }} /> ); }; export default Create;
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