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General Instructions

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Please navigate each of the sections and fill in the relevant information
2Page Title will bear the name - BPA Integration for - << Service/Scenario Name>>
3All examples are indicative, they should be replaced with actual information.
4Add rows in the tables as per the volume of data.
5Sections with no entries can be marked Not Applicable or Deleted
6The purpose of this section is to provide general guidance in using the template. This section can be deleted once the document composition is complete





CodeThis will be the same as that of the business service/sub-service code
FundThis will be the fund code in the Finance system to which the receipt is applicable.

Configurations and Setup

BPA allows configuring the system for different client requirements. The configuration keys are detailed here.

Key NameDescriptionData TypeDefault Value

Allowed Values

AUTO_CANCEL_UNATTENDED_DOCUMENT_SCRUTINY_OCFlag to cancel the occupancy application for which the citizen is not attended for document scrutiny on the scheduled timeStringYESYES, NO
BPA_CITIZENACCEPTANCE_CHECKIs Citizen acceptance of application is required after stakeholder apply for a permit on behalf of citizenStringYESYES, NO
BPA_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONARY_CODEFunction code to be used for posting a voucher to the Financials systemNumber1Code from Functionary master
BPA_DEFAULT_FUND_CODEFund code to be used for posting a voucher to the Financials systemNumber1Code from Fund master
BPA_DEFAULT_FUND_SRC_CODEThe fund source code to be used for posting a voucher to the Financials systemNumber1Code from Fund Source master
BPA_DEPARTMENT_CODEDepartment code to be used for posting a voucher to the Financials systemStringREVCode from Department master
BPA_FEE_CALCULATIONPermit fee calculation types
AUTOFEECAL: Calculation by the system with defined rules
AUTOFEECAL_EDIT: Calculation by the system with defined rules but officials can override these values
MANUAL: Manually calculated by officials and entered into the system
BPA_GENERIC_BOUNDARY_CONFIGURATIONThe Boundary configuration. What are the type of boundaries application has to capture during new application creation.Json{"validBoundary": {"REVENUE": [{"boundary": "Zone", "displayName": "Circle"}, {"boundary": "Ward", "displayName": "Revenue Ward"}]}, "crossBoundary":{}, "uniformBoundary": {"REVENUE": [{"fromBoundary": "Zone:Circle", "toBoundary": "Ward:Revenue Ward"}]}}A Defined structured JSON, one example is given in default value
BPA_ONLINE_PAYFlag to enable online paymentStringYESYES, NO
BPA_WORKFLOW_EMPLOYEE_BOUNDARY_HIERARCHYBoundary hierarchy type for the employee when the workflow runs on employee jurisdictionStringREVENUECode from Hierarchy Master
BPAPRIMARYDEPARTMENTBuilding plan primary departmentStringTown PlanningName from Department Master
BUILDING_LICENSEE_REG_FEE_REQUIREDFlag to collect registration fee or not for stakeholder registrationStringYESYES, NO
BUILDINGDETAILSVALIDATIONREQUIREDFlag to check whether building floor details validation required or notStringYESYES, NO
DCR_DOC_AUTO_POPULATE_AND_MANUAL_UPLOADFlag to populate required/available documents from eDCR in the Permit application.
If this flag is YES then application allows overriding populated documents
If this flag is NO then the application will not allow overriding populated documents
DCR_DOC_AUTO_POPULATE_UPLOADFlag to populate required/available documents from eDCR in the Permit application. No overrideStringNOYES, NO
DCR_DOC_MANUAL_UPLOADManually upload the all plan-related documentsStringYESYES, NO
DCR_INTEGRATION_REQUIRE_WITH_BPAFag to know whether eDCR system integration is required or not with application process systemStringYESYES, NO
DCRPDFQRCODEENABLEDFlag to generate QRCode for DCR scrutiny and show it on the outputString1TRUE, FALSE
DOCUMENT_SCRUTINY_INTEGRATION_REQUIREDFlag to enable/disable document scrutiny for Permit applicationStringNOYES, NO
GAPFORSCHEDULINGThe delay or gap of days for scheduling document scrutiny with citizen from the date of application. This is for permit applicationNumber2Any integer number indicating no.of days
GAPFORSCHEDULINGOCThe delay or gap of days for scheduling document scrutiny with citizen from the date of application. This is for Occupancy applicationNumber0Any integer number indicating no.of days
GAPFORSCHEDULINGONEDAYPERMITAPPLICATIONSThe delay or gap of days for scheduling document scrutiny with citizen from the date of application. This is for One Day Permit applicationNumber2Any integer number indicating no.of days
HELPLINENUMBERHelpline number for Citizen in case he/she wants to re-schedule his/her appointmentNumber4952362100Valid telephone number
IS_AUTO_CANCEL_UNATTENDED_DOCUMENT_SCRUTINY_APPLICATIONFlag to cancel the permit application for which the citizen is not attended for document scrutiny on the scheduled timeStringYESYES, NO
MERGEPERMITEDCRFlag to show eDCR scrutiny report along with the permit orderString1TRUE, FALSE
NOOFDAYSFORASSIGNINGSLOTSThe number of days for which slots to be opened for document scrutiny for Permit applicationNumber1Any integer number indicating no.of days
NOOFDAYSFORASSIGNINGSLOTSFOROCThe number of days for which slots to be opened for document scrutiny for Occupancy applicationNumber3Any integer number indicating no.of days
NOOFDAYSFORASSIGNINGSLOTSFORONEDAYPERMITThe number of days for which slots to be opened for document scrutiny for One Day Permit applicationNumber1Any integer number indicating no.of days
OC_ALLOW_DEVIATIONThe percentage of violation compared to permit order while applying for Occupancy certificateNumber5Any integer number indicating deviation percentage
OC_DOCUMENT_SCRUTINY_INTEGRATION_REQUIREDFlag to enable/disable document scrutiny for Occupancy applicationStringNOYES, NO
OC_FEE_CALCULATIONOccupancy Fee calculation type
AUTOFEECAL: Calculation by the system with defined rules
AUTOFEECAL_EDIT: Calculation by the system with defined rules but officials can override these values
MANUAL: Manually calculated by officials and entered into the system
OC_INSPECTION_SCHEDULE_INTEGRATION_REQUIREDFlag to allow inspection schedule for OC applicationStringYESYES, NO
OCAPPLICATIONFEECOLLECTIONREQUIREDFlag to generate and collect the application fee for OCStringNOYES, NO
ONE_DAY_PERMIT_APPLN_INTEGRATION_REQUIREDFlag to enable/disable application type 'one day permit'StringYESYES, NO
ONE_DAY_PERMIT_INSPECTION_SCHEDULE_INTEGRATION_REQUIREDFlag to allow inspection schedule for One day permit applicationStringNOYES, NO
PDFHEIGHTSUBTRACTIONVALUEThe height in the page where to show/print ULB seal/stamp on eDCR scrutiny reportNumber50Any integer number indicating the height
PDFWIDTHSUBTRACTIONVALUEThe width in the page where to show/print ULB seal/stamp on eDCR scrutiny reportNumber50Any integer number indicating the height
PERMITAPPLNFEECOLLECTIONREQUIREDFlag to generate and collect the application fee for permit applicationStringYESYES, NO
RECENT_DCRRULE_AMENDMENTDATEThe latest eDCR rules amendment dateString01/01/2019A date in the format dd/MM/yyyy
DCR_SCRUTINIZED_PLAN_EXPIRY_DAYSThe No.of days that eDCR scrutinized plan is valid from the date of scrutinyNumber30Any integer number indicating no.of days
REGULAR_PERMIT_INSPECTION_SCHEDULE_INTEGRATION_REQUIREDFlag to enable inspection appointment schedule for a permit applicationStringYESYES, NO
SENDEMAILFROOMBPAMODULEFlag to enable Email from OBPS moduleStringYESYES, NO
SLAFORBPAAPPLICATIONService Level Agreement (SLA) days for a Permit applicationNumber15Any integer number indicating no.of days
EIS EMPLOYEE JURISDICTION HIERARCHYThe boundary hierarchy for which the employee can be mapped in the jurisdictionStringADMINISTRATIONCode from Hierarchy Master

Support Information

References and Notes

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