Technical Training Document

Technical Training Document


Technical Training document defines the overall training plan for partner who implement the BPA module in different states.  The BPA team will explain the overall ERP structure and functionalities of BPA module. The implementation changes/steps for each state also cover in the session.


Initial setup of wildfly,dependency software and database setup.

DAY 1 Plan:

  • Brief about Building plan approval System
  • The overall ERP structure and dependency module
  • Administration module : city setup, boundary setup, user, authentication, authorization etc
  • Employee Information System - Employee, position, department, designation etc
  • Demand module
  • Collection module
  • Financial module integration
  • Workflow configuration

DAY 2 Plan:

  • Building plan approval system
  • The flyway migration steps, How the client specific db script execution order etc
  • Client specific implementation and changes
  • DCR and rule process
  • Dash board and reports

Exit Criteria:

Configuration of BPA module in local system and understand the flow.

Problem Statement in BPA  and DCR

Exercise 1:  BPA : Stake holder Validation changes for architect 

Logic present in StakeholderValidation.java

Restrict architect to construct upto 1 floor

Building height upto 6 mts

Buildup area upto 100 sq mts

Plot area upto 150 sq.mts

Excercise 2DCR

  • A )  "OHEL refers to Over Head Electrical Lines : Any building constructed near passing electric line should pass minimum distance clearance . It requires 2 clearance
    1. Horizontal Clearance
    2. Vertical Clearance
    Ideally it will be standarad across country . But in case it changes it needs to be customized. The Ideal one details of these may be presented as given below
    ""Mini. Horizontal dist from the OHEL to the bldg if voltage <11000, 1.2m,
    if 11000<voltage <33000, 2m,
    if voltage >33000, 2+.3* voltage/33000

    Minimum vertical distance from the OHEL to the highest point of the building if voltage <11000, 2.5m,
    if 11000<voltage <33000, 4.7m ,
    if voltage >33000, 4.7+.3* voltage/33000"" .

Each feature will have a extract api , it executes and puts data in ""Plan"" object , in case of OHEL Plan will contain a list of Electricline Objects . This Electric line object will contain following details
private String number;
private BigDecimal verticalDistance;
private BigDecimal horizontalDistance;
private BigDecimal voltage; "

1. Process OHEL feature for different valuesNow lets modify this and customize it . Let the modified one be
"Mini. Horizontal dist from the OHEL to the bldg if voltage <11000, 2.2m,
if 11000<voltage <33000, 3m,
if voltage >33000, 3+.3* (voltage-33000)/33000

Minimum vertical distance from the OHEL to the highest point of the building if voltage <11000, 2.5m,
if 11000<voltage <33000, 3.7m ,
if voltage >33000, 3.7+(.3* (voltage-33000)/33000)"
Go to OverheadElectricalLineService and modify the validate and process apis accordingly. (Explain Plandetail structure for this and how to edit)
2. Report OHEL process outputCover with above example
3. Process OHEL Statewide,Gradewise,Districtwise*,CItywiseSome times Rules will change for corporations,cities,panchayath ie based on grade rule parameter values will change. Such cases can be handle by adding customized implementations gradewise. If rule values are different for each and every city such cases can be handled via customized implementations for each city
Explain how to add OverheadElectricalLineService_ULBGRADE.java
  • B) FAR  (FSI) :        FAR should be limited to .5 for residential buildings having height >15 meters or plot area >500 sq meter

General discussion on BPA module and Open Questions

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