PT Update Number and Alternate Number

PT Update Number and Alternate Number

Update Mobile Number feature provides following

  1. Reminding ULB users about the invalid mobile numbers exist in owner's record and facilitate to update those in a easy way.

  2. Enabling ULB users to update the mobile numbers in a request from the property owner(s).

  3. Enabling property owner(s) to update the mobile number in their record by way of login into system.


Technical Implementation details,

Whenever the mobile number is invalid it throws a warning in the property info screen if user tries to pay for due,


Mobile Number is invalid if it doesn't match the pattern from the mdms config and if the number equals to the invalid number.

Following is the mdms config,

MDMS Config,

"MdmsCriteria": { "tenantId": "pb", "moduleDetails": [ { "moduleName": "PropertyTax", "masterDetails": [ { "name": "UpdateNumber" } ] } ] }



invalidNumber: "9999999999" invalidPattern: "^[6789][0-9]{9}$" skipEnabled: true warningEnabled: true documents:[]

The Update number popup for employees requires the documents needs to be uploaded, whereas the citizen can update the number by entering the OTP on the new number.

Citizen view

Update number component related files are present in egov-ui-kit packages as in the following location


API Details

Update Api is used to update the property mobile number

If we have to update number , just by updating the owner.mobileNumber


incase of updating alternate number API used is property-services/property/_addAlternateNumber


Steps Followed in Update Number :

  1. Click on editing existing Number , a popup gets opened to update number.

  2. Enter new number that needs to be added, and click on send otp .

  3. UI makes a API call to user-otp/v1/_send with type as login to send the otp if it is registered

  4. If it fails then to same api , but type as register , so it creates a new User

  5. once OTP is entered again , it verfies the OTP and validates the user in both cases (in case of register , citizen gets registered)

  6. once OTP is validated , then Property Update call is being called to update the number in the property object.

    Note : Incase of Employee User , then user has to upload supporting documents and directly proeprty update call is been called skips step 3,4,5.


PT Alternate Number:

PT Alternate Number feature is to have alternate number for the property,

We can add a alternate number while we create the property and also after making a payment we get a option to add a alternate number.


Alternate Number component details,



Steps Followed in Adding Alternate Number :

  1. Click on Add Alternate Number , a popup gets opened to Alternate number.

  2. While opening popup it sends the otp to already registered number

  3. Once the otp is entered and validated , user can proceed for step 4.

  4. Enter new number that needs to be added, and click on send otp .

  5. UI makes a API call to user-otp/v1/_send with type as login to send the otp if it is registered

  6. If it fails then to same api , but type as register , so it creates a new User

  7. once OTP is entered again , it verfies the OTP and validates the user in both cases (in case of register , citizen gets registered)

  8. once OTP is validated, then the Property Update call is being called to Add the alternate number in the property object.

API Call Role Action mapping:


Action Id



Action Id



















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