Citizen Profile

For Citizen User profile page can be accessed by clicking Edit Profile icon from app drawer that can be opened by clicking hamburger menu in top app bar

User can access the user profile page by clicking the Edit Profile Icon

Functionalities Provided By User Profile Page

  1. Upload or Remove Profile Picture

    • A user can upload or remove their profile picture by clicking the camera icon present over the profile thumbnail

    • On clicking the camera icon the user is presented with bottom drawer where user can select to upload photo from gallery or remove the profile picture

      User is presented with option to upload new photo or remove old one

  2. Update User Details

    • User can update their details by editing all the text fields available in User Profile page

    • All the values entered by user must be valid

  3. Update user password ( Only for employee user )

    • User can also change their current password by providing

      • current password

      • new password

      • confirm password (must be same as new password entered)

  4. Save changes

    • All changes are update as user clicks on save button located at bottom right of profile page

    • Saving changes validates all fields and status are shown by toast messages