Performance Testing Documentation

Performance Testing Documentation

This document includes below details:

1. Performance Scripts

2. Scope of the scripts

3. Test Reports

4. Issues and Resolutions

5. Test Data setup and Tools Used


Performance Test Scripts:


All the Performance Test scripts, and Test data will be shared in the Google drive and provide the access to all EGov Users.



GIT HUB Link for Performance Test scripts, Test Reports and Test Data


Test data files are also saved in the same path.

Scope of the scripts:

EGov JMeter scripts cover the below Functionalities in MGramSeva Application and IFIX API’s.

Total 10 Web UI Scripts for MGramSeva and 3 API Scripts for IFIX

S No

Scenario Name


Create Consumer Metered


Create Consumer Non-Metered


Create Consumer Zero Arrears


Collect Payment Metered


Collect Payment Non-Metered


Download Receipt Metered


Download Receipt Non-Metered


Generate Demand


Add Expense Paid


Add Expense Un-Paid


Fiscal Event Push (API)


Bulk Fiscal (API)


IFIX Bulk Adaptor (API)


Test Reports:

Performance Test reports are shared in the google drive and as well in the GIT HUB.





Performance Testing Status:

We have executed Performance Test with 150 users on MGramSeva application and 50 users on IFIX Bulk Fiscal API.

We are observing CPU and Memory Utilization high along with 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Error during the Test run.

We have reported the same across the team in the Report email.

Issues and Resolutions:


Initially we have executed the Performance Test with 30 users and observed 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Error. Frontend team has increased the POD’s count to 2.


In the second round of Performance Testing, we have increased the users and at 100 users we are observing 503 error.


We are observing CPU and Memory Utilization high along with 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Error during the Test run.


Application frontend team should investigate the issue and need to increase the Hardware (CPU & Memory) for the user scalability.


Tools Used:

We have used JMeter 5.4 Version for conducting the Performance Test scripting and execution

For reporting we have used HTML format report and used excel report for transaction response time values.

Test Data Set-up:


Before starting the test, We need to create the 500 consumers for Metered, Non Metered and Zero arrears flows.


Change the Parameter values in the script before running the test.


Also need to use the freshly created consumers for collect payment Metered and Non-Metered scripts.


Need to change the mobile number parameter in the Add Expenses Paid and Unpaid scripts, change the values in the .csv file which is added to the Parameter data set.


In MGramSeva application Mobile number field should be unique for all the scripts.


Script Name

Parameters Used

Create Consumer Metered

Username, ConsumerNumber_Metered

Create Consumer Non-Metered

Username, ConsumerNumber_Non_Metered

Create Consumer Zero Arrears

Username, ConsumerNumber_Non_Metered

Collect Payment Metered

Username, ConsumerNumber_Metered

Collect Payment Non-Metered

Username, ConsumerNumber_Non_Metered

Download Receipt Metered

Username, ConsumerNumber_Metered

Download Receipt Non-Metered

Username, ConsumerNumber_Non_Metered

Add Expense Paid

Username, PaidAddExpMobNo

Add Expense Un-Paid

Username, UnPaidAddExpMobNo
















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