Property Tax Assessment Re-indexing/Legacy

Property Tax Assessment Re-indexing/Legacy


In this document, we will learn how to legacy index/re-index the PT Assessment re-index.


  • Kubectl access to the required environment in which you want to run the re-indexing

  • playground pod access

  • Legacy index mapping/configuration is done in the respective indexer-config file.

Connect to the Kafka cluster and check if the connecter is available or not.
If the connector exists delete the existing connector. and then a new connector

kubectl get pods -n kafka-cluster

C:>kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-0 -n kafka-cluster bash

curl -X GET http://kafka-connect.kafka-cluster:8083/connectors/ (Checking the connector).

curl -X DELETE http://kafka-connect.kafka-cluster:8083/connectors/property-assessments-enriched-sink (delete the connector).

Create connector curl

curl -X POST 'http://kafka-connect.kafka-cluster:8083/connectors/' \ --header 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Postman-Token: 419e68ba-ffb9-4da9-86e1-7ad5a4c8d0b9' \ --data '{ "name": "property-assessments-enriched-sink", "config": { "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSinkConnector", "connection.url": "http://elasticsearch-data-v1.es-cluster:9200", "linger.ms": "1000", "type.name": "general", "tasks.max": "1", "max.retries": "15", "key.ignore": "false", "retry.backoff.ms": "5000", "max.buffered.records": "25", "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter", "errors.log.enable": "true", "key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter", "read.timeout.ms": "100000", "topics": "property-assessments-enriched", "batch.size": "25", "max.in.flight.requests": "2", "schema.ignore": "true", "behavior.on.malformed.documents": "warn", "flush.timeout.ms": "3600000", "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name": "property-assessments-enriched", "errors.tolerance": "all", "value.converter.schemas.enable": "false", "name": "property-assessments-enriched-sink", "transforms": "TopicNameRouter", "transforms.TopicNameRouter.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.RegexRouter", "transforms.TopicNameRouter.regex": "property-assessments-enriched*", "transforms.TopicNameRouter.replacement": "property-assessments-enriched" } }'


port-forward the indexer :

eg : kubectl port-forward egov-indexer-d8f44b455-82sfc -n egov 8083:8080

Check the logs :

eg : kubectl logs egov-indexer-d8f44b455-82sfc --tail 1 -f -n egov

Re-indexing process

Starter reindexing by executing the following API from the postman.
Make sure the /_plainsearch API is available in the specific module.
Run the API by doing the following changes.
added "pb.(ulb name )" at "tenantIdForOpenSearch": "pb.(ulb name )", and "tenantId": "pb.(ulb name )"


{ "RequestInfo": { "userInfo": { "id": 2396, "userName": "EMP9", "salutation": null, "name": "Employ", "gender": "MALE", "mobileNumber": "9100000000", "emailId": "", "altContactNumber": null, "pan": null, "aadhaarNumber": null, "permanentAddress": "Testing", "permanentCity": "Punjab", "permanentPinCode": "24324", "correspondenceAddress": "pb", "correspondenceCity": "Testing", "correspondencePinCode": "34353", "active": true, "locale": null, "type": "EMPLOYEE", "accountLocked": false, "accountLockedDate": 1650274886367, "fatherOrHusbandName": "father", "signature": "fghdfgewfg374823", "bloodGroup": null, "photo": null, "identificationMark": null, "createdBy": 102, "lastModifiedBy": 1, "tenantId": "pb.testing", "roles": [ { "code": "TL_CEMP", "name": "TL Counter Employee", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "NOC_CEMP", "name": "NoC counter employee", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "NOC_DOC_VERIFIER", "name": "NoC Doc Verifier", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "TL_DOC_VERIFIER", "name": "Trade License Document verifier", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "EMPLOYEE", "name": "Employee", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "PTCEMP", "name": "PT Counter Employee", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "UC_EMP", "name": "Universal Collection Employee", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "TL_FIELD_INSPECTOR", "name": "Trade License field inspector", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "NOC_FIELD_INSPECTOR", "name": "NoC Field Inpector", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "TL_APPROVER", "name": "TL Approver", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "PT_APPROVER", "name": "PT Counter Approver", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "CSR", "name": "Customer Support Representative", "tenantId": "pb.testing" }, { "code": "NOC_APPROVER", "name": "NoC counter Approver", "tenantId": "pb.testing" } ], "uuid": "8e9b3b23-78d8-4da7-8883-ab03b5b37bf2", "createdDate": "06-09-2018 22:10:33", "lastModifiedDate": "26-07-2022 10:55:22", "dob": "1/7/1983", "pwdExpiryDate": "05-12-2018 22:10:33" } }, "apiDetails": { "uri": "http://property-services.egov:8080/property-services/assessment/_plainsearch", "tenantIdForOpenSearch": "pb.abohar", "paginationDetails": { "offsetKey": "offset", "sizeKey": "limit", "maxPageSize": 100 }, "responseJsonPath": "$.Assessments" }, "legacyIndexTopic": "pt-assessment-legacyIndex", "tenantId": "pb.abohar" }



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