Build and deploy instructions

Build and deploy instructions

Once we run the application locally we need to create a Build for our code to check if any errors are there if the Build is successful then no errors are there if the build is failed then we can not deploy to the dev environment.


Link:- https://builds.companyname.org/job/builds/job/digit-dev/job/frontend/job/micro-ui/job/digit-ui/

open the link and select Build with parameter. In Build with parameter select your branch name and click to Build and wait it takes a little bit of time to build.

So once Build is successful we are able to see the message.


Link:- https://builds.companyname.org/job/deployments/job/deploy-to-dev/build?delay=0sec

For Deploy open the above link and in the Images add your Build link, to get the build link go to the success log opened the last print message (pushed successfully). copy the console output link as shown below and past it into the deeply images link and click to Build.




so using deploy we are updating the changes to the dev environment.

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