Adding New Master

Adding New Master


For creating a new master in MDMS, create the JSON file with the master data and configure the newly created master in the master config file.

Master data having large data set like billing rates and data with sensitive information like bank accounts information can be saved in the Database. This data can be accessed using the service.


Before proceeding with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -

  • User with permissions to edit the git repository where MDMS data is configured.

Deployment Details

  1. After adding the new master, the MDMS service needs to be restarted to read the newly added data.

Configuration Details

  1. Creating Master JSON:

    The new JSON file needs to contain 3 keys as shown in the below code snippet.
    The new master can be created for Statewide or ULB wise. Tenant id and config in the master config file determines this.

    { "tenantId": "< TENANT ID >", "moduleName": "< MODULE NAME >", "< MASTER NAME >": [] }


  2. Configuring the master config file:

    The Master config file is structured as below. Each key in the Master config is a module and each key in the module is a master.

    { "<module1>":{ "<master1>":{}, "<master2>":{}, ... }, "<module2>":{ <master3>:{}, <master4>:{}, ... }, ... }

    Each master contain the following data and keys are self-explanatory

    "master":{ "masterName": "<>", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [] }

Reference Docs

Doc Links



 Sample Master file


 Sample Master configuration



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