Product Brochure

Product Brochure

This section enables you to view and download DIGIT product brochures. Follow the links to access relevant product details and insights.

Property Tax‌

DIGIT-Property Tax (PT) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product that addresses the objectives of municipal corporations and local government to automate all property tax operations, thus providing property tax assessment and payment services to citizens in real-time.

Click here to download the PT brochure.

Public Grievance Redressal‌

DIGIT-Public Grievance Redressal (PGR) is a self-serve web and mobile-based, easy-to-use and configurable product for submission of grievances by the citizens from anywhere, anytime. For the speedy and efficient resolution of civic related complaints, DIGIT-PGR facilitates the municipal employees with easy For the speedy and efficient resolution of civic related complaints, DIGIT-PGR enables the citizens to report the issues, real-time and enables municipal employees with easy identification of the issues and helps them to initiate corrective actions, without any delay.

Click here to download the PGR brochure.


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