Water & Sewerage Release Notes

Document Version Control


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Document Version Control


Publish Date


 Aditya Kumar









Version 2.0 of 'Water & Sewerage' product allows the user to Apply for a New Water/Sewerage connection online. A citizen can apply for a new Water/ Sewerage connection Individually or in an Integrated manner. Citizen will receive a text and in-app notification on each step of the workflow. The Applications can be tracked online, in the 'My Applications' section provided to the citizen. Online application payment, send back to the citizen are some other features available for the citizen. Employees can search and process the application filed by the citizen. Some other features are workflow approval process, application payment collection etc.

Release Highlights

  1. W&S and Property integration, while applying for a New connection

  2. Generation of artefacts at a desired stage of the application (For eg. Generation of 'estimation notice' after the 'field inspector' approves the application)

  3. 'Send back' as a workflow step to facilitate employees to carry out, the desired correction in the application

  4. Separate 'Search' for 'Connections' and 'Applications' on Employee side

  5. Apply for an Integrated connection and track the applications individually (Configurable workflow and calculation logic)

  6. The citizen can manage applications in the 'My Application' section also make payment for the application online.

  7. Capture plumber information

  8. Usage of Property ontology to cater to diverse use cases (For eg. Water/Sewerage connections for Institutional, Commercial properties etc.)

Release Features

 The W&S Version 2.0 release is equipped to allow citizens and employee to create an application for new water and sewerage connection online. The application is designed to facilitate the following affordance:

  • Apply for water/sewerage connections including metered and non metered connection

  • Addition of rebate/penalty on the employee side to cater use cases pertaining to the presence of any schemes

  • Linkage of Property and W&S connection for a user

  • Configurations available

    • Workflow actions and steps for application processing

    • Calculation logic for water and sewerage estimated demand

    • Estimation notice and sanction letter format

Key Features


Key Features


Apply for new Water/Sewerage connection

  1. The user can apply for the connection individually or integrated 

  2. For integrated connection, two separate applications are created. These applications are processed separately and can have a separate workflow, fee payment, SLAs, calculation logic etc.

Role-Based Access for Employees

  1. Configurable role-action mapping

  2. Actors, actions and state can be configured as required

  3. Send back the application to the citizen

Property Integration

  1. User can use his/her property ID to fetch property-related information and on the basis of that apply for a connection

Capture Plumber details

  1. Plumber information ie. name, number, licence no. are captured in the system

  2. Better Communication and transparency, by bringing plumber info in the system

'How it works' section

  1. Videos can be uploaded about how to apply for a W&S connection

  2. FAQs to handle common doubts

My Applications (Citizen)

  1. Applications filed by citizen are maintained in the 'My Application' section

  2. The citizen can take required actions on the application ie. pay the fee, modify, track, submit, resubmit etc.

Employee search screen

  1. Applications and connections can be searched using separate screens

  2. Different search parameters and search results, more flexibility

  3. Apply/Collect fee on behalf of citizen

Pay application fee

  1. The citizen can pay the estimated connection charges online using the card

  2. Payment link in the application, mSeva notification, SMS notification

  3. The citizen can make payment at the counter using cash, DD, cheque

Misc. features

  1. All artefacts formats ie. application form, estimation notice and sanction letter are configurable

  2. Citizens can maintain and download the artefacts

  3. Citizen gets notified at each workflow step

  4. Payment link in the SMS

  5. All the labels, legend names, etc. can be configured using localization service. It can support multiple languages

  6. For better usability and experience, the mobile view is optimized for each screen design

Notifications format


Type of Notification


Trigger Point


SMS Message

In-app notification


Type of Notification


Trigger Point


SMS Message

In-app notification



Application submitted

Application Submission

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, You have successfully submitted your application for a New <Service> Connection. Your Application No. is <Application number>. Click here to download your application <Application download link>. For more information, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, You have successfully submitted your application for a New <Service> Connection. Your Application No. is <Application number>.

Action Button: Download Application



Application rejected

DV/JE/AP Rejects Application

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been rejected. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been rejected. Click here for more details <View History Link>



Application sent back

DV/JE/AP sends back Application

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been sent back. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been sent back. Click here for more details <View History Link>



DV : Application forwarded

DV forwards Application

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending for field inspection' from 'Pending for document verification’. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending for field inspection' from 'Pending for document verification’. To track your application, click on <View History Link>



JE : Application forwarded

JE forwards Application

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending : Approval for connection' from 'Pending for field inspection’. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, Status of your application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has changed to ‘Pending: Approval for connection' from 'Pending for field inspection’. To track your application, click on <View History Link>



AP: Application approves for connection

Approver approves for Connection

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been approved. To make payment against your application, please click on <payment link> . Log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link> for more details.

Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been approved. To make payment against your application, please click on PAY NOW.

Action button: PAY NOW



Make Payment

Citizen/CEMP makes payment

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name> , Your payment for New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been been successfully recorded. You can download your receipt using this link <receipt download link>. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name> , Your payment for New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been been successfully recorded. You can download the receipt by clicking DOWNLOAD RECEIPT




Connection activation

CL activates connection

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been activated. To check your connection details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, Your New <Service> connection against the application <Application number> has been activated. To check your connection details, click here <connection details page>.



Application edited

DV/JE/AP Edits the Application

All Owners + Applicant

Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been edited. For more details, please log in to <mseva URL> or download <mseva app link>.

Dear <Owner Name>, Your Application <Application number> for a New <Service> Connection has been edited. Click here for more details <View History Link>

Known Issues

  • 'Property Type' localization value missing

  • Owner details, in case of multiple owners, need to refresh for getting other names

  • Not able to find Jalandhar property, Not working for Nawashahr as well (For both citizen and employee)

    • PB-PT-2020-04-04-004623 (Nawashahr)

    • PB-PT-2020-03-23-004500 (Jalandhar)

  • Displaying random value in case of multiple owners

  • Connection details missing from the Application summary page

  • Incorrect names and random DOB value in Application summary page

  • Application-based on the same property has different values for "Rainwater harvesting":
    Sewerage application: SW_AP/1013/2020-21/062956
    Water application: WS_AP/1013/2020-21/062955

  • Application forms PDFs for the applications mentioned above have incorrect values for mentioned fields

    • No. of floors (It is not captured as a part of the property in case of Flat/part of a building, so this value is random)

    • Property Sub Usage type

  • After submission of the application by the counter employee,

    • Downloaded application PDF did not have meter installation date value, which was not also filled in the first place,

    • Task details page of Doc verifier is displaying a random date for the meter installation date

    • Downloaded application PDF by doc verifier still doesn't have the meter installation date

  • No download/Print option to DV, FI, AP after submission (Artifacts are needed to be downloaded)

  • Metered connection getting executed without initial meter reading

Upcoming Release Feature 







Misc features

Keep the same consumer no.

Enhance flow(Restrict actions)


Legacy Data Upload and Management

Facilitate legacy data upload including connection details and DCB details. Provision to correct connection details and accounts due to error while uploading data.


Integrated Bill

Group connections against Property ID

Remittance in Different bank accounts

Generate integrated bills


Handling advance payment

Accepting advance payment


Door-step billing and collection

Edit meter reading. Ability to enable a door to door collection and generating bills on the spot once meter reading is updated in the system


Connection against non-owner

Title transfer

  • Transfer of connection

  • Mutation


Block-level due date on bills

Ability to Define different Due dates at Ward level (within the ULB)


Apply flows

Change of usage

Non metered to metered

Regularizing connection


Reference Doc Links

Doc Link
