Setup Local Dev Environment (DIGIT Stack)
UI WorkSpace setup:
Environment Requirements :
Install the Visual Studio code editor latest version
Install the node version (10.16.3) and npm version (6.9.0)
Install yarn Version(1.19.1)
Clone git repository digit-egov/frontend
Open the folder in the VS code and update the following files
Change the file forntend/web/rainmaker/packages/<citizen/empolyee>/.env
update the variable REACT_APP_DEFAULT_TENANT_ID=<state level tenantid>
Change the file forntend/web/rainmaker/packages/<citizen/empolyee>/package.json
Update “homepage” and “proxy” variable to point to the correct environment urls. please find the example below
"homepage": "",
"proxy": "",
Navigate to cloned directory in terminal and enter the following commands :
cd web/rainmaker
npm install --global lerna
npm run go
To compile the citizen, use the following command
npm run dev:citizen
To compile the employee, use the following command
npm run dev:empolyee
Backend WorkSpace setup:
Follow the steps to setup for backend development :
Clone the three repositories from the git repository
Import the project in eclipse
maven install and maven update
Install and run the kafka(2.2.1) server
Add kubectl config to connect to the Kubernetes. With this we can access the services outside the kubernetes.
Do the port forwarding for dependent services to (your environment)
kubectl port-forward <pod name> <local port>:<service port>
kubectl port-forward pt-services-h656x 8060:8080
In change the port forwarded port number for dependent services. ( update the hostname of the service in the above example you access pt-service in port 8060)
Run the services locally.
Run any dependent services locally if required.
Run egov-persister service locally to interact with local database. This will save the data to local Database.
Add the YAML files present in service to persister (which will have updated queries.) copy servicerootfolder/src/main/resources/<service-name>-persister.yml to egov-persister/src/main/resources/
Use postman or CURL to test your APIs. Find postman collection below.
This is the collection of PGR with its workflow:
This is the collection of trade license with its workflow:
This is the collection of property tax with its workflow: