DevOps Tools Stack
Platform Requirements
12 Months - Sprint board divided by 4 Quadrants, EPICs and Stories
12 Months Operating plan
High Level KRAs:
- Git Repos/Branching Strategy - DevOps aims at classifying the code repositories based on the business layers which gives us the control over platform and state specific extensions. Ensuring the forking principle and the PR review process with efficient quality gates would allow us being open and yet sacrosanct.
- Data/Infra Security Aiming at the discipline and practice of safeguarding the platform and state specific environment through strategies, encryption, policies, processes, and technology. Security should be built into every part of the DevOps lifecycle, including inception, design, build, test, release, support, maintenance & beyond.
- Continuous Delivery - More states would increase frequency and Delivery pipelines become critical. CI/CD pipelines are finding ways to deliver more value to customers at each cycle,.With these pipelines in place, teams are able to deliver faster and more efficiently. Automation can take their productivity to the next level by further streamlining the delivery process.
- Configuration as Code/Versioning -The ultimate goal is to version everything that is touched during the software development process. Proper versioning of all the configuration changes allows for faster and more frequent deployments, simple roll backs and you are able to have fully isolated environments.
- Centralised Log Management/Monitoring – Monitoring takes precedence at various levels like infra, tracking load time, both error logs and regular logs are vital for an application. They need to be well-structured and easy to view and interpret. Logging done end-to-end is beneficial as it helps to analyse application performance from the point of view of an end-user and also to trace the distributed services across platform to find the root cause quickly.
- Centralised Dashboards – Visual dashboards allow us to view configuration changes made to servers along with databases and deployments that have taken place. There are various metrics, logs, and graphs to give us a holistic view of changes happening in the platform.
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