Merging Kubernetes kubectl config files
To run a kubernetes cluster check whether the path of that cluster should be present in “~/ .kube/config” folder.If not there, we need to add the path of the cluster to that folder.
To check whether the path is present in “~/ .kube/config” folder.
If path is absent follow the below commands:
$ export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:PATH OF THE CLUSTER $ kubectl config view --flatten >> ~/.kube/config $ echo $KUBECONFIG
To display the cluster contexts
$ kubectl config get-contexts
Sometimes when working with a new Kubernetes cluster you will be given a config file to use when authenticating with the cluster. This file should be placed at
. However you may already have an existing config file at that location and you need to merge them together.To merge the config files in “~/ .kube/config” follow the below steps:
It will create a backup file for existing config file.
consider eks_gowtham_eks = path1
eks_Gowtham_cicd = path2
Add those paths using following command
After adding the paths check they had added or not
If you want to switch the contexts
Finally check whether all the pods are running.