Citizen Engagement - Documents

Citizen Engagement - Documents

What is a Document Uploader?

Document uploader will be used by ULB employees to upload the document which will then be visible to the citizen in the documents section.

Why do we need Document Uploader??

In an effort to increase the engagement of citizen with mSeva platform, mSeva is providing a feature to view important documents related to his ULB such as acts, circulars, citizen charters etc. Hence ULB employees should be able to add the documents so that those documents will be visible to the citizen. 

Who is it for?

This feature is for the citizens. Also, there is a provision to upload documents from the employee side.




  1. He/she should be able to create new documents

  2. He/she should be able to view, edit & delete existing documents


  1. He/she should be able to view documents uploaded by employee

  2. He/she should receive notifications whenever a new document is uploaded by employee.

Detailed Functionality -  Employee adding a new document

Employee should be able to upload a new document which will be seen by citizens


  1. Clicking on create a new document on the documents section will take user to the new document screen.

  2. Clicking on “Add new Document” should open a form with input fields where various document related fields can be added.

    1. ULB - Searchable dropdown

      1. If the employee has only one ULB associated, that will be defaulted

      2. Employee should have an option to select one or more ULBs that he/she is associated with to upload these documents.

    2. Document Name

    3. Document Category - Searchable dropdown

      1. Employees can also create new categories if the required category is not found in the drop down. 

      2. We will have 5 basic categories already in the dropdown

        1. Citizen Charter

        2. Forms

        3. Tenders

        4. Circulars

        5. Government Orders

    4. Document Description - Each Document can also have a description which is not mandatory. Length of description can be 140 characters.

    5. Attachment - Employee can add single attachments to each document. (JPG, PNG, PDF, Doc files supported)

      1. Document can also be accessed via a link or upload file or both. 

    6. Clicking on Add document will add document to ULB / ULBs

  1. After document is added employee will see a successful page

  1. Notifications

    1. Document upload should send a notification to all citizens in the ULB that a new document has been uploaded.



Detailed Functionality - Employee editing a document

  1. Edit document - 

    1. Clicking on the document name from the list of documents will take the employee to document view page. 

    2. There is an ACTIONS CTA on the bottom of this page. 

    3. Clicking on this will open 2 options

      1. Edit Document

      2. Delete Document


  1. Edit document will allow employee to edit following fields

    1. ULB

    2. Document Name

    3. Document Category

    4. Attachments

    5. Links

  2. Delete document will ask for confirmation dialogue to delete the document.

  3. Once deleted document cannot be seen in list of documents



Detailed Functionality - Documents Home Screen

  1. Citizen engagement currently have 2 sections - Events and Public message broadcast. Documents will be shown as another section

  2. All documents page has list of all documents, with search by “ULB”, “Document name”, “Posted by” and filter of “Document Category”

  3. Table has following fields

    1. Document name

    2. Category

    3. Attachment

    4. Posted by

Citizen Flow

  1. Citizen app will have document section on the home page, clicking on which, citizen will be redirected to documents page

  2. Documents page will have a search field on the top. Searching for any document will show list of documents in the drop down.

    1. Citizen can also drill down through various categories available and find the required documents. 

  1. Each category will also show count of documents available in that category.

    1. Citizen can view and download these documents from the list of documents page

    2. Each Document card will have 

      1. An icon

      2. Title of the document

      3. Size of the file

      4. Date uploaded

      5. Description of the document

      6. Action: View - this should view the document in the app

      7. Action: Download - This should download the file into users device.

  1. Notifications

    1. Clicking on notification should open the same link as “view” on the document card. 



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