eDCR 2020-05-11 Meeting notes

eDCR 2020-05-11 Meeting notes

Date- 11th April 2020



  • Manikanta

  • Sanjeev

  • Pradeep

  • Vinoth



Support the Kozhikode on fixing issues.

Discussion topics



Tasks are done yesterday

Tasks to be done today


Bihar Support on eDCR


  1. MDMS initial integration with edcr

working on common API for permit and oc scrutiny







eDCR,Client support


  1. Support Bihar team on the portal.

  2. Appraisal discussion with elzan,seema,sanjeev and vinoth.

  1. Kozhikode production release support.

  2. BPA OC story clarification discussion

  3. DCR change design plan


Kozhikode Support


  1. Appraisal discussion with Seema and Pradeep.

  2. KOZHIKODE-1064 Corrected required values as per rule in the rear yard

  3. KOZHIKODE-1065 Update rule no and change non-notified to un-notified
    in accessory block

  4. KOZHIKODE-1064 change or to and condition in the rear yard when checking
    side yard values

  5. KOZHIKODE-1066 fixed the reset password not working

  6. Testing in the UAT instance

  1. KOZHIKODE-1067 updated scroll message, las and dxf file, disable
    regularization and few services in portal

  2. Code merge from master into secfix

  3. corrected validation message for plan scrutiny

  4. Production Release

  5. KOZHIKODE-1069 Change training images and videos tutorial location url

  6. KOZHIKODE-1070 Update serialization version id for all edcr pojo's

  7. Testing in the UAT instance



Action items

