Communications & Content Status Update - 17 May'19

Weekly Project Status Report

Project name  

Communications & Content @ eGov

Week Ending  May 17, 2019
Prepared BySita Bhatt, Sunita Shelar (25%), Rupam Baruah, Mrinalika Akula, Rohan Prasad
Date PreparedMay 20, 2019

Accomplishments Of The Week

  • eGov Glossary beta rollout to leadership, ready to be rolled to the organization
  • mailbox and eGov FaceBook are busy, listening channels for various queries, complaints from citizens, information from vendors, resumes. These channels are monitored daily, all latest information is shared with the respective SPOCs for resolution, next steps as required.
  • Corporate subscription for 15 licenses to The Ken, negotiated for lowest price, ready for a subscription allocation to identified colleagues
  • Attended 2-days deep-dive monthly reviews - various touch-points identified for value-add from documentation and outreach (internal and external)
  • AP legacy documentation migration initiated for eSankalan - an outcome of the monthly review


  1. Revisited POC for End to End Publishing of UserManuals via PDF exports using CSS in eSankalan - Mrinalika (Click: pdflayoutconfig) ( Click : pdfstyleconfig-CSS). Shared the outcomes and best way forward. The automation is breaking the expected PDF outcome badly and there is a need to manually update styles. For this reason, the automation approach may not work. Recommended approach is author in eSankalan, export to Word, update styles, look-and-feel, publish to PDF.
  2. Created Release Notes (Click : Template) and Feature List (Click: Template) - Rupam, Sunita
  3. Update to Billing And Collection Service API document (Click:Billing And Collection Document) - Rupam
  4. Created final draft template for User Manual - Employee, Citizen, General Functions. The same is shared with the Product Management team after internal Review. (Click Employee User Manual TemplateCitizen User Manual TemplateUser Manual- Common Features Template - Mrinalika, Sunita
  5. Conducted POC on HTML export and explored possible pathway to publish the content on - Mrinalika
  6. AP legacy content migration to eSankalan initiated, Rishi will be closing the same after KT - Sita

Product Management

  1. Shortlisting and evaluation of 3 freelancers from Upwork for translation activity. One resource finalized, fixed price project initiated with a cost of less than Rs. 2 per word. Agency had earlier quoted more than Rs. 10 per word. A list of 2600 strings for Rainmaker is ready for translation, after removing duplicates.


  1. Shared Punjab documentation for review, awaiting input from Raji on gaps towards publishing to Partners
  2. Proposed structure and high-level TOC for Deployment Guide , rework in progress by Gajendran - Sunita, Mrinalika, Sita


  1. Renewal of www. domain confirmed till May 2020
  2. Whitepaper WIP by agency
  3. Received and directed the following queries to SPOCs for queries, complaints, and information to

Three queries on AP-PuraSeva directed to

One new business query, one query from MP-Chattisgarh directed to Hiren

One query on GMC, directed to

One query for PMIDC, directed to and

One resume sent to Shahid

4. eGov FaceBook

Three queries on AP- PuraSeva directed to

One query on PT pricing, user not clear on the requirement

5. 2 Marketing leads resumes screened, 1 interviewed, rejected due to lack of expected experience

6. 2 Graphic Designer resumes screened, yet to be interviewed

7. External email newsletter template shared, awaiting input from leadership to freeze and publish

Plans For Next Week

  • Walkthrough on eSankalan Templates with Product Management &  AP team - outcome of monthly review
  • Release Notes consolidation on eSankalan, backlog identified by Ranjith - outcome of monthly review
  • Completion of User Manual for Universal Collections [ Subjected to the availability of content from Product Management team over eSankalan ]. 
  • Deep-dive of the documentation process in alignment to Product gating process, prioritization of deliverables and OKRs freeze, scheduled for 24 May'19
  • Completion of the first round of translation towards 2600 product strings
  • mSeva -Walkthrough of phase 1 functionality by Product Management team.
  • Interviews for Marketing lead and Graphic Designers

Project Status




Green (G) indicates the project is on schedule and there are no major issues.

Yellow (Y) means the project is somewhat delayed and/or there may be some major risks at the current point.

Red (R) means the project is seriously at risk of being delayed and/or there are some major risks affecting the project

Key Issues, Risks, and Concerns

ResponsibleCompletion Date
Change in scope of work, getting intimated as plan is getting implemented.Share scope changes when plan is sharedProduct team20 May'19

Changes To Schedule

StageTarget Completion
Revised CompletionReason
None as of now