APMDP - UAT Wildcard SSL Apache
eGov ERP DevOps
APMDP - UAT Wildcard SSL Apache
Command to Renew WildCard SSL (*.egovernments.org)
# sudo ./certbot-auto --email egov-systems@egovernments.org -d *.egovernments.org --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory certonly
Then, the command replies:
Configure the DNS server to add a record to the domain. The record is like this:
Where | What |
Type | TXT |
Name | _acme-challenge |
Value | <acme-challenge-value> |
Come back to the terminal, and Then press Enter.
Please refer this link for more info on wildcard renewal.
Kindly note, do not use WILDCARD for any others as it is already used for AP account.
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