eGov Wordpress

eGov ERP DevOps

eGov Wordpress

Punjab-Portalpunjab-portal-beta.egovernments.org > hosted in =
We have the following Wordpress site in our Infra: http://punjab-portal-beta.egovernments.org
We are planning to use the same site for Bihar. In order to do that we have to test the functionality and work on enhancements in the Portal. We have outsourced this effort to Litmus.inc, a company based out of Delhi.
The developers at Litmus.inc have to use the file package and the DB of the site to carry out proper testing and trying out new features.
They have requested for theFTP and DB accessfor the site. Can you please provide the adequate access and share the credentials with me.
The application and db dump can be downloaded from the below url

Username : pb_wpuser
Password : pb@55pass123
SFTP details.
Public IP :
Port : 22
Username : egov
Password : waigh0auKib8
Pubjab root dir : /var/www/html/punjabwp
The application and db dump can be downloaded from the below url:
App URL:
Username : biharwp_user
Password: bhwp@123

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