eGov ERP DevOps
Configurations, monitoring, and analysis tools
Packages installed in the servers, and its configurations
Category | Software | Version |
Operating System | Linux / Windows / OS X | Any latest release |
Web Server | Apache/Nginx | Any latest stable version |
Application Server | Wildfly / JBoss EAP | 11.x |
Database Server | PostgreSql | 9.x |
In Memory Data Store Tool | Redis | 4.x |
Runtime Environment | JDK | 8.x |
Search & Analytics Tool | Elasticsearch | 2.4.4 |
File Store | NFS | Any latest stable version |
Apache modules:
Module Enable | Module Description |
sudo ufw allow 'Apache' | allowing Apache at the ufw |
sudo a2enmod proxy* | enabling proxy |
sudo a2enmod rewrite | Enabling module rewrite |
sudo a2enmod proxy | main proxy module for Apache that manages connections and redirects them |
sudo a2enmod proxy_ajp | Used for working with the AJP protocol |
sudo a2enmod proxy_http | implements the proxy features for HTTP and HTTPS protocols |
sudo a2enmod deflate | compression |
sudo a2enmod headers | managing HTTP headers |
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer | clustering and load-balancing |
sudo a2enmod proxy_connect | used for SSL tunnelling |
sudo a2enmod proxy_html | Enabling module proxy_html |
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_* | enabling lb methods |
sudo a2enmod ssl | Enabling module ssl |
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache | running a certificate management agent on the web server |
sudo a2enmod reqtimeout | enabling request timeout |
sudo apt-get install ntp | Network Time Protocol |
Wildfly Server packages:
ntp (Network Time Protocol)
Elasticsearch Server packages: jdk
CMS (configuration management system) and tool:
Monitoring tools: real time monitoring
Nagios - CPU, memory alerts (infra, db, es monitoring) based on threshold
Zabbix (email notification monteam) - infra monitoring
Cloudwatch - AWS
Analysis Tools:
MAT(Memory Analysis Tool) - java application management
Newrelic - APM (application performance management)
GoAccess - apache log analyzer
Log management Tools:
ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, kibana) - log analysis tool for application (AP m@s log analysis( ))
Graylog - for application (ERP log analysis)
Pgbadger report- for db(postgres) log analyzer
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