APMDP - UAT Wildcard SSL
eGov ERP DevOps
APMDP - UAT Wildcard SSL
# sudo ./certbot-auto --email egov-systems@egovernments.org -d *.egovernments.org --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory certonly
Then, the command replies:
Configure the DNS server to add a record to domain. The record is like this:
Where | What |
Type | TXT |
Name | _acme-challenge |
Value | <acme-challenge-value> |
Come back to the terminal, and Then press Enter.
- Please refer this link for more info on wildcard renewal.
- https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/need-to-renew-wildcard-certificate-with-domain-managed-by-godaddy/84801
- https://developerinsider.co/how-to-create-and-auto-renew-lets-encrypt-wildcard-certificate/
- Kindly note, do not use WILDCARD for any others as it is already used for AP account.
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