eGov ERP DevOps

How-To-Do-Patch Release

- connect to vpn
- Login to APACHE
- Switch to egov user
- cd .deploy-runtime

- Then extrat 'egov-ear.ear' file to patch file.
rm -rf patch && unzip egov-ear.ear -d patch
- Download the module specific JAR/WAR files
wget --auth-no-challenge --http-user=username --http-password=password<path-of-JAR/WAR>
- Copy the downloaded JAR/WAR to EAR respective path
if JAR
cp -rp path-of-JAR patch/lib/path-of-JAR
if WAR
cp -rp path-of-WAR patch/path-of-WAR
- Once replaced, archive the EAR
cd patch && jar -cvf ../egov-ear.ear *
- Then Push the new EAR file to NFS location
rsync -avr -P -e "ssh -p 2232" egov-ear.ear egov@
Time to deploy

- Login to all APP servers.
- Gracefull stop
cd wildfly/bin && ./ --connect --controller= --command=:shutdown --timeout=10000
- Remove deployment TAG from standalone.xml
- Start the APP servers
cd wildfly/bin && nohup ./ -Ddb.migration.enabled=false &
- Login to Jboss management console using jboss-cli
cd wildfly/bin && / --connect --controller=
[standalone@ /] deploy /NFS-Server1/egovFS/egov-ear.ear
Then wait till the deployment completes.

DevOps as a Culture