eGov ERP DevOps
ERP jenkins (CICD) setup
ERP Stack training to the partners - (Provisioning Instances, Configuring, GitOps, CI Setup, Logging, Alerts & Monitoring)
Knowledge of -
Web Server (Apache2+)
Application Server (Wildfly.11+)
Session, cache and tokens handling (redis-server)
FileStore (NFS) and,
DB (Postgres.9.6+)
Git/Github (Account is required)
Repository manager (Nexus) (Account is required)
CI/CD (jenkins) (Account is required)
Environment | |||||
Production | |||||
Server Name | Application Servers | ElasticSearch Server | Database Server | NFS/SAN Storage (Filestore) | |
Public IP | Required | NA | NA | NA | NA |
No.of Instances | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
vCORE | 2 | 2 | 2 | NA | 4 |
vRAM | 4 GB | 8 GB | 8 GB | NA | 16 GB |
vSSD | 50 GB | 100 GB | 100 GB | 500 GB | 100 GB |
Operating System version | Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (64 bit) | RDS/Azure Postgres DB | NA | ||
To be installed with: | - | jdk8u131 | jdk8u131 | Postgres SQL 9.6 | |
Ports to be opened to globally | TCP : HTTP, HTTPS, SSH | SSH | SSH | NA | NA |
AWS Instance Type | t2.medium | m4.large | m4.large | db.m4.xlarge | NA |
Azure Instance Type | Standard_B2s | Standard_B4s | Standard_B4s | B_Gen5_4 | NFS |
Table 1.0: Stack Details
For the DIGIT BPA ERP stack infrastructure setup, and hosting, the above table explains the minimum base level requirements for the setting up the DIGIT BPA application. Provision for the partners can choose any of the cloud provider or on-prime for the infrastructure set up.
Setup BPA on partners instance provisioned:
Load Balancer:
Application Server-1:
Application Server-2:
Database Server
NFS mount (set path in db)
Git repo fork into the partners repo:
Githubwebhooks: <githrepourl>/digit-bpa/settings/hooks
Payload URL (https://<jenkinsurl>/github-webhook/)
Content type (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
Event to trigger (Just Push event)
Jenkins Setup: Requires Java (Oracle account), Maven, Nexus repo (user details), git repo.
Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Config System:
Publish over SSH
Jenkins SSH Key -
Passphrase: {value_needs_to_be_enter}
SSH Servers enter server details and test config
Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > ConfigureSecurity:
Jenkins > Credentials > System > Global credentials:
Add Credentials -
jenkins user (username with password)
github user (username with password)
Oracle user for JDK download (username with password)
passcode (Secret text)
ssh user with private key
Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration:
JDK (with oracle username & password)
CI Pipeline from forked repo:
Build job: /master
Jenkins Setup: Build Job Configuration: Jenkins > Job (Maven):
Enable project-based security
Discard old builds
GitHub project
Promote builds:
Promotion process:
Criteria: manually approve
Actions: Trigger/call builds > Predefined parameters(PROMOTED_NUMBER=${PROMOTED_NUMBER})
Build Triggers:
GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
Build Env:
Pre Steps:
Root POM (egov/pom.xml)
Goals and options (clean deploy -U -s settings.xml -Dbuild.number=${BUILD_NUMBER} -Ddb.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/digit_bpa_build -Ddb.password=postgres -Ddb.user=postgres -Ddb.driver=org.postgresql.Driver -Dnexus.user= -Dnexus.password=)
Post Steps:
Run only if build succeeds
Build Settings:
Post-build Actions:
Archive the artifcts:
Files to archive (**/*.ear)Enable email:
- Project Recipient List(keep_as_it_is)
- Project Reply-To List (enter_email_id)
- Content Type (keep_as_it_is)
- Default Subject(keep_as_it_is)
- Default Content(keep_as_it_is)
- Attach Build Log(keep_as_it_is)
CD Pipeline for the Deployment to the partners environments: (this requires perl, secret passcode for Encryption, and Decryption)
Deployment_Job: git repo(devops) for ear-deployer, passcode.
- Discard old builds
- Promote builds:
- Promotion process:
- Criteria: manually approve
- Actions: Trigger/call builds > Current build parameter
- This project is parameterised
- String parameter:
- Git:
Branches to build
Repository browser
Additional Behaviours > Sparse Checkout
Build Triggers:
Build Env:
- Use secret texts
- Bindings > Secret Text
Credentials(Specific credentials)
Send files or execute cmds over ssh:
- SSH Publishers:
- SSH Server:
Transfers > Transfer Set:
- Source files(ear-deployer/config/digit-bpa-dev.yml)
- Exec command (sudo docker pull egovio/ear-deployer:latest && sudo docker run -it -v /home/azureuser/ear-deployer/config/digit-bpa-dev.yml:/config.yml -e 'EAR_PASSCODE=${EAR_PASSCODE}' -e ENV=dev -e BUILDNUMBER=${PROMOTED_NUMBER} -e ENV_CONFIG_FILE=/config.yml egovio/ear-deployer:latest)
Post-build Actions:
Exit criteria:
Fully up and running BPA
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