DSS Manual Indexing

DSS Manual Indexing

run below steps in Kibana dashboard for manual indexing

Step-1: Create one temp index

PUT dss-collection_temp

Step-2: take the mappings with below command

GET dss-collection_v1 Note : only properties object ex : "mappings": { "general": { "properties": {} } }

Step-3: modify the fields you want to change the type

Here i want to change "receiptDate": { "type": "long" }, to "receiptDate" : { "type" : "date", "format" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss||yyyy-MM-dd||epoch_millis" },

Step-4: Take the updated mappings and add it for temp index with below command

Step-5: Move the data from egov-dss-ingest-enriched to dss-collection_temp with below command

Step-6:Now the data moved from original index to temp index check the no of record in temp index

Step-7:If the count matching delete the original index with below comand

Step-8:Create egov-dss-ingest-enriched with below command

Step-9:Take the updated mappings and add it for egov-dss-ingest-enriched index with below command

Step-10:Take the updated mappings and add it for egov-dss-ingest-enriched index with below command

Step-11:Give the alias with below command

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