Transform api
To provide users facility to transform the data received from the pgr to the user WhatsApp chatbot. It can be performed in two ways.
Search by complaint Id
Search by Application
Turn-io-adapter is a system that is used for taking the data from the rainmaker-pgr and it will creates the complaint and after creating the complaint it will return to the citizen whatsapp chatbot.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
Rainmaker-PGR service is running
Key Functionalities
Employee of turn-io-adapter with Anonymous role can create, update or search the complaint
Turn-io-adapter service internally call rainmaker-pgr to generate a complaint
Deployment Details
Deploy the latest version of turn-io-adapter
Configuration Details
MDMS Configuration
Turn-io-adapter MDMS Configuration is sufficient
Business Service / Workflow Configuration
Actions & Role Action Mapping
"id": 2116,
"name": "Create Turn Io Adapter",
"url": "/turn-io-adapter/_transform",
"displayName": "Turn Io Adapter",
"orderNumber": 1,
"enabled": true,
"serviceCode": "turn-io-adapter",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
Role Action Mapping
"code": "ANONYMUS",
"name": "Any User",
"description": "Can Transform the Data"
Data Setup
Sample Curl
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8084/turn-io-adapter/_transform' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"RequestInfo": {
"apiId": "Rainmaker",
"ver": ".01",
"action": "_create",
"did": "1",
"key": "",
"msgId": "20170310130900|en_IN",
"requesterId": ""
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "Gauthamraj Elango"
"wa_id": "9487231521"
"messages": [
"_vnd": {
"v1": {
"author": {
"id": "919487231521",
"name": "Gauthamraj Elango",
"type": "OWNER"
"chat": {
"assigned_to": 4354,
"owner": "+919487231521",
"permalink": "https://app.turn.io/c/96424fbf-2ec6-427b-9bd4-b3bfcbae20ff",
"state": "OPEN",
"state_reason": "Re-opened by inbound message.",
"unread_count": 8,
"uuid": "96424fbf-2ec6-427b-9bd4-b3bfcbae20ff"
"direction": "inbound",
"faq_uuid": 456464,
"in_reply_to": 34543645,
"inserted_at": "2021-01-05T09:17:15.449857Z",
"labels": [
"confidence": 0.3727492629,
"metadata": {
"nlu": {
"confidence": 0.3727492629,
"intent": "await_reply",
"model_name": "nlu-general-spacy-ngrams-20191014"
"uuid": "94a3dc3b-e633-4ed4-b4ec-c0979bf4f2bc",
"value": "Unclassified"
"from": "919487231521",
"id": "ABEGkZSHIxUhAgo69TyLCAyZy6dM",
"text": {
"body": "Report"
"timestamp": "1609838235",
"type": "text"
"thread": {
"contact": {
"birthday": 34335435,
"campaign_name": 465767,
"event_name": "CHSsolversfest",
"language": 32434,
"location": 32435456,
"name": "Erase",
"opted_in": true,
"opted_in_at": "2020-10-29T05:44:51.309526Z",
"partner_demo": 78987,
"persona_type": 7686,
"project_name": 4354,
"report_category": 232,
"report_pincode": "638057",
"report_subcategory": "Sanitation",
"issueCategory": "BurningOfGarbage",
"ward": "SC7",
"city": "pb.amritsar",
"school_code": 123,
"surname": 123,
"ward_number": "4",
"whatsapp_id": "919487231521",
"whatsapp_profile_name": "Gauthamraj Elango"
Integration Scope
Turn-io-adapter will be integrated with Rainmaker-pgr Application. Turn-io-adapter Application internally invoke the rainmaker-pgr service to generate the complaint.
Steps to Integration
Turn-Io-adapter application to call
to generate the complaint and takes the data from the pgr.