How to add new screen configuration in a new module:

We have added default configuration for login, register it will use for you to create a new configuration for the screen.


  1. Go to dev-packages/egov-wms/src/ui-config/screens/specs/ in the root of the project.

  2. Create a folder for your set of screens. Eg: auth.

  3. Create a file for the screen. Eg:login.js

  4. Write your configuration.

Example code:

import {   getCommonCardWithHeader,   getLabel } from "egov-ui-framework/ui-config/screens/specs/utils"; const screenConfig = {   uiFramework: "material-ui",   name: "mihyLoginScreen",   components: {     mihyLoginGrid: {       uiFramework: "custom-atoms",       componentPath: "Container",       children: {         mihyEmptyRow: {           uiFramework: "custom-atoms",           componentPath: "Item",           props: {             sm: 4           }         },mihyLoginItem: {           uiFramework: "custom-atoms",           componentPath: "Item",           props: {             sm: 4,             xs: 12           },           children: {             mihyLoginCard: getCommonCardWithHeader(               {                 mihyloginDiv: {                   uiFramework: "custom-atoms",                   componentPath: "Div",                   props: {                     className: "text-center"                   },                   children: {                     mihyLoginUsername: {                       uiFramework: "custom-molecules",                       componentPath: "TextfieldWithIcon",                       props: {                         label: "Email",                         margin: "normal",                         fullWidth: true,                         autoFocus: true,                         required: true,                         iconObj: {                           position: "end",                           iconName: "email"                         }                       }, required: true,                       jsonPath: "body.mihy.username",                       pattern: "^([a-zA-Z0-9@.])+$"                     },                     mihyLoginPassword: {                       uiFramework: "custom-molecules",                       componentPath: "TextfieldWithIcon",                       props: {                         label: "Password",                         type: "password",                         margin: "normal",                         fullWidth: true,                         required: true,                         iconObj: { position: "end", iconName: "lock" }                       },                       jsonPath: "body.mihy.password",                       required: true,                       pattern: "^([a-zA-Z0-9!])+$"                     },                     mihyBreakOne: {                       uiFramework: "custom-atoms",                       componentPath: "Break"                     },                     mihyBreakTwo: {                       uiFramework: "custom-atoms",                       componentPath: "Break"                     },                     mihyLoginButton: {                       componentPath: "Button",                       props: {                         color: "primary",                         fullWidth: true                       },                       children: {                         mihyLoginButtonText: getLabel({label:"Let's go"})                       }     }                   }                 }               },               {                 mihyLoginHeader: {                   componentPath: "Typography",                   children: {  mihyLoginHeaderText: getLabel({label:"Login"})                   }, props: {                     align: "center",                     variant: "title",                     style: {                       color: "white"                     }                   }                 }               }             )           }         }       }     }   } }; export default screenConfig;


5. Save a file, enter a URL in a browser like a bellow,

6. Go to dev-packages/egov-wms and run below command for running it independently.

npm start

7. If you are running a separate module :


8. If you are running in employee module:

example of using material UI components(

React way for rendering Material-UI component

EGov way for rendering the same component in the configuration

Inbuilt Screens:

