Property and Mutation Workflow
Property Workflow
When Property gets registered it goes through several validation processes. These validation steps are called Workflow. Workflow is implemented in Property creation and in Mutation phase.
Implementation Details:
When the Property gets created, Its status becomes INWORKFOW. User Searches the property with the Application number and after clicking on Application number file details page opens with workflow action buttons in the footer.
View history card gets added on top of Property details page. It shows the current status and workflow phase of the Property file.
If the user has access to perform workflow operation then the footer button workflow action will be visible. The first workflow action is to verify the Property. User with verifier role can verify the property.
On clicking of Verify, a verification popup opens where relevant documents can be uploaded. Comments also can be added. Verifier can assign the file to the next workflow action creator.
The next action will be Forward the application.
Once user clicks on Forward a forward popup opens where user can upload the relevant documents and can add the comments. Once the application is success forwarded, the next state comes as Approve or Reject.
If the application is rejected then the property can not be traced further.
If the Application is Approved, the status of the file changes to ACTIVE and the file is available for tracing. Workflow steps for the Property ends here. Now other operations like assess property or Ownership transfer operations etc can be performed.
Mutation Workflow:
Similar to Property workflow, Mutation workflow also has similar steps. Mutation workflow starts after creation of a Mutation file.
Implementation Details:
When the Mutation application successfully created, A unique Mutation application number gets generated.
When we search the file by application number in Property search, we can see the status of the file is INWORKFLOW.
After clicking on Application number, Mutation workflow starts and Mutation file details page opens where we can see the Action button in the footer.
Application can be verified or rejected at this phase. If the application is rejected then the file can not be traced further. If the file is verified then it is forwarded to next authorized person who can verify and forward next.
After completing the verification at this phase, the next step is the Payment step. On clicking of Pay option, application navigates to payment screen where applicable Mutation fee can be paid.
After successfully paying the fee, Mutation application is accepted and file status changes to ACTIVE state.
New Property Application / Update Property Application(Sep 30 Release Feature):
Here Property Application can be send back to citizen if any wrong information or details needs to edited .
Once the Application moves to the pending for citizen Action , Citizen/Counter Employee can edit and resubmit the application.
Configuration required for Correction Pending status :
Business Service Configuration :
here isStateUpdatable
should be true so that edit option will be shown .
docUploadRequired: false
isStartState: false
isStateUpdatable: true
isTerminateState: false
sla: null
tenantId: "pg.citya"
UI Configuration for edit application :
Once the edit option is enabled from the Workflow , then it should be configured with redirect URL , so that
the application can be edited ,
method should be updated with the redirect URL for specific business service .
if (moduleName === "PT.CREATE") {
return `/property-tax/assessment-form?assessmentId=0&purpose=update&propertyId=${propertyId}&tenantId=${tenant}&mode=WORKFLOWEDIT`
API Call Role Action mapping:
S.No. | API | Action id | Roles |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |