W&S - Employee UI Guide

W&S - Employee UI Guide

Employee Role:


  • Once an Application is created (INITIATED state in Workflow), the application number can be used to search the application. There are several other criteria’s that can be used to search the application.



  • All the application once INITIATED can have can have until CONNECTION ACTIVATION can have multiple actions buttons. An with selected roles can forward the application with a specific action to the next stage or can make corrections to it using EDIT.

A water application has been INITIATED (The First Stage in Workflow)

  • All the applications that has been created once can be submitted (SUBMIT_APPLICATION state in Workflow), by either searching them in using their application number or employee can continue to the next stages and add all the fields required and they will be able to submit the application. Once an application is submitted, they will be redirected to a screen depicted in the below image.

A water application has been SUBMIT_APPLICATION (The Submit Application in Workflow)

Here they will get an option to Download and Print the application, which they have just submitted. An employee can create both Water and Sewerage application at once.


  • Here an Employee can edit the application, VERIFY AND FORWARD the application to the next stages, REJECT, SEND BACK TO CITIZEN who has applied for this connection. These actions that are seen in the below image, appear only for employees having a specific role which allows the employee to take the below actions.

  • From the options provided in the above image, if the employee clicks on EDIT, it will be redirected to the apply screen where the employee will find the details of the application when it was last updated. The employee can click other option as well. It can also click on one of these options after editing the application and then it can do whatever that the employee deems right for the application.

Note: The employee will only get these options if it is authorized to take any of such actions provided in the above image.

  • On successful completion of any of the above processes, the employee will be redirected to the below screen. The messages may change based on the actions clicked. Here the action that I have taken is VERIFY_AND_FORWARD. It can be any of the action provided in the above image.

  • On successful completion of all the states triggered from the actions taken, the employee will reach to the action as PAY. On click of Pay, the employee will be redirected to the below screen. Here the employee can generate receipt of the amount collected from citizen. Employees will be able to see the PAY option, if they are authorized to Collect Payment from citizen.

  • Once the payment is collected, the employee will be redirected to the below screen. Here employee can download and print receipt.

  • Once payment has been accepted and the receipt has been generated, the employee can go to search and search the application based on application number. The employee will find the application in Pending Connection Activation state, similar to what is show in the image below. If the employee is authorized to activate the connection, it can activate the connection.

  • After the connection has been activated, employee can go to the search and search the connection based on connection number, as shown in the image below.

  • After getting the search result as in the above image for the activate connection, the employee can see the details of the connection (Water or Sewerage) after clicking on the connection number in the Consumer No. column. The connection details looks like below, where the employee can find all the details related to the connection created.

Employee can also download and print the connection details if required.

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