Creating new module using egov-ui-framework + other supporting modules
This document will tell us about how to create new module using exiting structure.
Clone the frontend repo.
Note - Git for desktop is tool to maintain the git repo using UI
2. Create new branch on top of the master branch depends on user requirement.
3. Open the project in the editor(Atom/VS code).
4. Go to /frontend/web/rainmaker/lerna.json and remove unwanted packages.
Before removal
After removal
5. Go to dev-packages/ under rainmaker folder, copy egov-boilerplate-dev and past into root level of dev-packages.
6. While pasting rename it to new module.
7. Rename below files and folders.
8. Register you new module in lerna.json.
10. Run the yarn run go/npm run go at rainmaker level.
Note - This should be done only at 1st time.
11. Go to the your new module rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-newmodule-dev run below command
yarn start
12. Application will run in localhost:3000 or whichever port is free.
13. Go to src/ui-config/screens/specs/egov-newmodules and add your new screens related to your module.