Meeting notes

Meeting notes

Incomplete tasks from meetings

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Sathish P to come back with the decision on digit-services or “Backend for frontend”, also bulk action decision.
Sathish P2020-11-25 Meeting notes
  • Sathish P to come back with the decision on digit-services or “Backend for frontend”, also bulk action decision.
Sathish P2020-11-25 Meeting notes
  • Sathish P to come back with the decision on digit-services or “Backend for frontend”, also bulk action decision.
Sathish P2020-11-24 Meeting notes
  • Scrum board and the Jira task will be created and assigned 
Auto 17-11-2020 Standup notes
  • Scrum board and the Jira task will be created and assigned 
Auto 13-11-2020 Standup notes
  • Creating the scrum board in Jira shared by Satish 
Auto 13-11-2020 Standup notes
  • Add tasks and relevant statuses in the Jira board
Auto 13-11-2020 Standup notes
  • Create document with Phase0 deliverables
Auto 13-11-2020 Standup notes
  • Creating the scrum board in Jira shared by Satish 
Auto 12-11-2020 Standup notes
  • Add tasks and relevant statuses in the Jira board
Auto 12-11-2020 Standup notes

All meeting notes

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