OBPS-DSS Technical Documentation

OBPS-DSS Technical Documentation

OBPS-DSS Documentation

DSS has two sides to it. One being the process in which the Data is pooled to ElasticSearch and the other being the way it is fetched, aggregated, computed, transformed and sent across.

As this revolves around a variety of Data Set, there is a need for making this configurable. So that, tomorrow, given a new scenario is introduced, then it is just a configuration away from getting the newly introduced scenario involved in this flow of process.ย 

This document explains the steps on how to define the configurations for Analytics Side Of DSS for OBPS.

What is analytics?

Analytics : Micro Service which is responsible for building, fetching, aggregating and computing the Data on ElasticSearch to a consumable Data Response. Which shall be later used for visualizations and graphical representations.ย 


Analytics Configurations:
Analytics contains multiple configurations. we need to add the changes related to OBPS in this dashboard-analytics.
Here is the location : configs/egov-dss-dashboards/dashboard-analytics at qa ยท egovernments/configs
Below is a list of configurations that need to be changed to run OBPS successfully.

  1. Chart API Configuration

  2. Master Dashboard Configuration

  3. Role Dashboard Mappings Configuration

Description :

Chart API Configuration :ย 

Each Visualization has its own properties. Each Visualization comes from different data sources (Sometimes it is a combination of different data sources)ย 

In order to configure each visualization and their properties, we have a Chart API Configuration Document.

In this, Visualization Code, which happens to be the key, will be having its properties configured as a part of configuration and are easily changeable.


Here is the sample ChartApiConfiguration.json data for the OBPS.



"bpaTodaysCollection": { "chartName": "DSS_BPA_TODAYS_COLLECTION", "queries": [ { "module": "BPA", "indexName": "dss-collection_v2", "aggrQuery": "{ \"aggs\": { \"AGGR\": { \"filter\": { \"bool\": { \"must\": [ { \"range\": { \"dataObject.paymentDetails.receiptDate\": { \"gte\": \"now-24h\", \"lte\": \"now\" } } }, { \"terms\": { \"dataObject.paymentDetails.businessService.keyword\": [ \"BPA.LOW_RISK_PERMIT_FEE\",\"BPA.NC_APP_FEE\",\"BPA.NC_OC_APP_FEE\" ] } } ], \"must_not\": [ { \"term\": { \"dataObject.tenantId.keyword\": \"pb.testing\" } }, { \"term\": { \"dataObject.paymentStatus.keyword\": \"Cancelled\" } } ] } }, \"aggs\": { \"Today's Collection\": { \"sum\": { \"field\": \"dataObject.paymentDetails.totalAmountPaid\" } } } } } }", "requestQueryMap":"{\"wardId\" : \"dataObject.ward.name.keyword\",\"module\" : \"dataObject.paymentDetails.businessService.keyword\",\"tenantId\" : \"dataObject.tenantId\", \"district\" : \"dataObject.tenantData.city.districtCode\" }", "dateRefField": "" } ], "chartType": "metric", "valueType": "amount", "action": "", "drillChart": "none", "aggregationPaths": [ "Today's Collection" ], "insight": { }, "_comment": "BPA Today's collections " }, "bpaTotalCollection": { "chartName": "DSS_BPA_TOTAL_COLLECTION", "queries": [ { "module": "BPA", "indexName": "dss-collection_v2", "aggrQuery": " { \"aggs\": { \"AGGR\": { \"filter\": { \"bool\": { \"must\": [ { \"terms\": { \"dataObject.paymentDetails.businessService.keyword\": [ \"BPA.LOW_RISK_PERMIT_FEE\",\"BPA.NC_APP_FEE\",\"BPA.NC_OC_APP_FEE\" ] } } ], \"must_not\": [ { \"term\": { \"dataObject.tenantId.keyword\": \"pb.testing\" } }, { \"term\": { \"dataObject.paymentStatus.keyword\": \"Cancelled\" } } ] } }, \"aggs\": { \"Total Collection\": { \"sum\": { \"field\": \"dataObject.paymentDetails.totalAmountPaid\" } } } } } } ", "requestQueryMap":"{\"wardId\" : \"dataObject.ward.name.keyword\",\"module\" : \"dataObject.paymentDetails.businessService.keyword\",\"tenantId\" : 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Master Dashboard Configuration:

Master Dashboard Configuration is the main configuration which defines as which are the Dashboards which are to be painted on screen.ย 

It includes all the Visualizations, their groups, the charts which comes within them and even their dimensions as what should be their height and width.

{ "name":"DSS_BUILDING_PLANNING_DASHBOARD", "id":"obps", "isActive":"", "style":"linear", "visualizations":[ { "row": 1, "name": "DSS_BUILDING_PLANNING", "vizArray": [ { "id": 111, "name": "DSS_OVERVIEW_REVENUE", "dimensions": { "height": 350, "width": 5 }, "vizType": "metric-collection", "noUnit": true, "isCollapsible": false, "label": "DSS_OVERVIEW_REVENUE", "charts": [ { "id": "bpaTodaysCollection", "name": "DSS_BPA_TODAYS_COLLECTION", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaTotalCollection", "name": "DSS_BPA_TOTAL_COLLECTION", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] } ,{ "id": 112, "name": "DSS_BPA_TOTAL_CUMULATIVE_COLLECTION", "dimensions": { "height": 350, "width": 7 }, "vizType": "chart", "noUnit": true, "isCollapsible": false, "charts": [ { "id": "bpaCumulativeCollections", "name": "Monthly", "code": "", "chartType": "line", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] } ] }, { "row":2, "name":"DSS_BUILDING_PLANNING", "vizArray":[ { "id": 210, "name": "DSS_OVERVIEW_SERVICES", "dimensions": { "height": 350, "width": 5 }, "vizType": "metric-collection", "noUnit": true, "isCollapsible": false, "label": "DSS_OVERVIEW_SERVICES", "charts": [ { "id": "bpaTotalPlansScrutinized", "name": "DSS_BPA_TOTAL_PLANS_SCRUTINIZED", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaTotalPermitsIssued", "name": "DSS_BPA_TOTAL_PERMITS_ISSUED", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaTotalLandApplied", "name": "DSS_BPA_TOTAL_LAND_APPLIED", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaAverageDaysToIssuePermit", "name": "DSS_BPA_AVERAGE_DAYS_ISSUE_PERMIT", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaSLACompliance", "name": "DSS_BPA_SLA_COMPLIANCE", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaAverageDaysToIssueOC", "name": "DSS_BPA_AVERAGE_DAYS_ISSUE_OC", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] }, { "id": "bpaSLAComplianceOC", "name": "DSS_BPA_SLA_COMPLIANCE_OC", "code": "", "chartType": "metric", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] }, { "id": 211, "name": "DSS_TOTAL_PERMIT_ISSUED_VS_TOTAL_OC_ISSUED_VS_TOTAL_OC_SUBMITTED", "dimensions": { "height": 250, "width": 7 }, "vizType": "chart", "isCollapsible": false, "label": "", "charts": [ { "id": "permitsandOCissued", "name": "Monthly", "code": "", "chartType": "line", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] } ] }, { "row": 3, "name": "DSS_BUILDING_PLANNING", "vizArray": [ { "id": 323, "name": "DSS_OBPS_COLLECTION_BY_USAGE_TYPE", "dimensions": { "height": 250, "width": 4 }, "vizType": "chart", "label": "", "noUnit": false, "isCollapsible": false, "charts": [ { "id": "obpsCollectionByPaymentMode", "name": "DSS_OBPS_COLLECTION_BY_PAYMENT_MODE", "code": "", "chartType": "donut", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] }, { "id": 321, "name": "DSS_OBPS_TOP_ULB_BY_PERFORMANCE", "dimensions": { "height": 250, "width": 3 }, "vizType": "performing-metric", "label": "", "noUnit": false, "isCollapsible": false, "charts": [ { "id": "obpsTopUlbByPerformance", "name": "Monthly", "code": "", "chartType": "bar", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] }, { "id": 322, "name": "DSS_OBPS_BOTTOM_ULB_BY_PERFORMANCE", "dimensions": { "height": 250, "width": 3 }, "vizType": "performing-metric", "label": "", "noUnit": false, "isCollapsible": false, "charts": [ { "id": "obpsBottomUlbByPerformance", "name": "Monthly", "code": "", "chartType": "bar", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] } ] }, { "row":4, "name":"DSS_BUILDING_PLANNING", "vizArray":[ { "id":311, "name":"DSS_BPA_PERMIT_ISSUED_BY_RISK_TYPE", "dimensions":{ "height":250, "width":4 }, "vizType":"chart", "noUnit": false, "isCollapsible":false, "charts":[ { "id":"permitIssuedByRiskType", "name":"DSS_BPA_PERMIT_ISSUED_BY_RISK_TYPE", "code":"", "chartType":"donut", "filter":"", "headers":[ ] } ] }, { "id":312, "name":"DSS_BPA_PERMIT_ISSUED_BY_OCCUPANCY_TYPE", "dimensions":{ "height":250, "width":4 }, "vizType":"chart", "noUnit": false, "isCollapsible":false, "charts":[ { "id":"permitIssuedByOccupancyType", "name":"DSS_BPA_PERMIT_ISSUED_BY_OCCUPANCY_TYPE", "code":"", "chartType":"donut", "filter":"", "headers":[ ] } ] } ] }, { "row": 5, "name": "DSS_BUILDING_PLANNING", "vizArray": [ { "id": 231, "name": "DSS_OBPS_SERVICE_REPORT", "dimensions": { "height": 350, "width": 12 }, "vizType": "chart", "noUnit": false, "isCollapsible": false, "charts": [ { "id": "obpsServiceReport", "name": "DSS_OBPS_SERVICE_REPORT", "code": "", "chartType": "table", "filter": "", "headers": [] } ] } ] } ] },

Click here for the complete configuration

Role Dashboard Mappings Configuration:

Master Dashboard Configuration which was explained earlier hold the list of Dashboards which are available.

Given the instance where Role Action Mapping is not maintained in the Application Service, this configuration will act as Role - Dashboard Mapping Configurationย 

In this, each Role is mapped against the Dashboard which they are authorized to see

This was used earlier when the Role Action Mapping of eGov was not integrated.

Later, when the Role Action Mapping started controlling the Dashboards to be seen on the client side, this configuration was just used to enable the Dashboards for viewing.ย 

{ "_comment": "Holds mapping for each role with and its associated dashboards", "roles" : [ { "_comment":"This role is super role which can access all the available dashboards: [other/new roles are suppose to be added]", "roleId": 6, "roleName" : "Admin", "isSuper" : "", "orgId": "", "dashboards": [ { "name": "OBPS", "id": "obps" } ] }, { "_comment":"This role is super role which can access all the available dashboards: [other/new roles are suppose to be added]", "roleId": 7, "roleName" : "Commissioner", "isSuper" : "", "orgId": "", "dashboards": [ { "id": "ulb-obps" } ] } ] }

Click here to check the configuration


MDMS Configuration to be added:


Click here to check the complete configuration


Click here to check the complete configuration

Action test.json:

Click here to check the complete configuration


OBPS-State DSS Consists of multiple graphs which represent the data of OBPS. Each graph has its own configuration which will describe the chart and its type.

State DSS Consists of following charts in OBPS:

  • Overview-Revenue

  • Overview-Service

  • Total Cumulative Collection

  • Total permits issued vs Total OC submitted vs Total OC issued

  • Collection by Payment Mode

  • Top 3 Performing States/ULBs/Ward

  • Bottom 3 Performing States/ULBs/Ward

  • Permits Issued by Risk Type

  • Permits Issued by Occupancy Type

  • Service Report

More details about respective charts below:



Overview-Revenue chart contains multiple data information as below in the selected time period.

  • Today's Collection - This represents the todayโ€™s collection amount for OBPS Application Fee + Permit Fee.

  • Total Collection - This represents the total collection amount for OBPS Application Fee + Permit Fee.


Overview-Service chart contains multiple data information as below in the selected time period.

  • Total Plans Scrutinized - This represents the total number of plans submitted by an architect for scrutiny for new construction to concerned authority.

  • Total permits issued - This represents the total number of new permits issued by the concerned authority.

  • Total sq m of land applied in the BPA system - This represents the total area in square meters approved for construction.

  • Avg. days to issue permit - This represents the average number of days taken to issue a permit application.

  • SLA Compliance (Permits) - This represents the total percentage of permits issued within SLA.

  • Avg. days to issue OC - This represents the average number of days taken to issue an OC.

  • SLA Compliance (OC) - This represents the percentage of OCs issued within SLA


Total Cumulative Collection

This Graph contains the OBPS collection amount information in the monthly base as a cumulative line graph for each obps collection separately. This will change as per the denomination amount filter selection.

line - this graph/chart is data representation on date histograms or date groupings.


Total permits issued vs Total OC submitted vs Total OC issued

This Graph shows total permits issued vs total OC submitted vs total OC issued for a given time period in the form of a line chart.

line - this graph/chart is data representation on date histograms or date groupings.


Collection by Payment Mode

This chart is a pie chart showing bifurcation of total collections by payment mode (online, cash, card, cheque) which is the sum of revenue collected from OBPS module for the applied date filter.


Top 3 Performing ULBs : This card will show the Top 3 Performing ULBs based on percentage of Permits issued. Number of Permits issued / Number of applications.


Bottom 3 Performing States : This card will show the Bottom 3 Performing States/ULBs/Wards based on percentage of Permits issued. Number of Permits issued / Number of applications

Permits Issued by Risk Type

This chart is a pie chart showing bifurcation of total permits issued by risk type (low risk, medium risk, high risk) for the applied date filter.


Permits Issued by Occupancy Type

This chart is a pie chart showing bifurcation of total permits issued by occupancy type (Residential, Institutional etc) for the applied date filter.


Service Report : This tabular chart representation graph shows information about multiple obps related categories like Total Collection or Total Cumulative Collection, Total Plans Scrutinized, Total applications submitted, Total permits issued, Avg. days to issue permit, SLA Compliance (Permits), Total OC Plans scrutinized, Total OC submitted, Total OC issued, Deviation Percentage, Avg. days to issue OC, SLA Compliance (OC), Total OCs with deviation. And this table shows the data in state level and also has the drill down chart for each state to ulb and from ulb to ward level data for the same.


On click of any DDR name will enter into drill down charts, which will represents that specific state data.


On click of the ULB will navigate to wards under that specific ULB and each ward shows the specific data regarding that ward.

Newly introduced property:

isRoundOff: This property is introduced to round off the decimal values. Ex: if the value is 25.43 by using isRoundOff property in configuration we will get it as 25. if value is 22.56 round of value will be 23.
This can be used for insights configuration as well for overview graph.

Common Properties available:

Key(eg: bpaTotalCollection) : This is the Visualization Code. This key will be referred to in further visualization configurations.

This is the key which will be used by the client application to indicate which visualization is needed for display.

chartName : The name of the Chart which has to be used as a label on the Dashboard. The name of the Chart will be a detailed name.

In this configuration, the Name of the Chart will be the code of Localization which will be used by Client Side.

queries : Some visualizations are derived from a specific data source. While some others are derived from different data sources and are combined together to get a meaningful representation.

The queries of aggregation which are to be used to fetch out the right data in the right aggregated format are configured here.

queries.module : The module / domain level, on which the query should be applied on i.e., OBPS

queries.indexName : The name of the index upon which the query has to be executed is configured here.

queries.aggrQuery : The aggregation query in itself is added here. Based on the Module and the Index name specified, this query is attached to the filter part of the complete search request and then executed against that index

queries.requestQueryMap : Client Request would carry certain fields which are to be filtered. The parameters specified in the Client Request are different from the parameters in each of these indexed documents.

In order to map the parameters of the request to the parameters of the ElasticSearch Document, this mapping is maintained.

queries.dateRefField : Each of these modules have separate indexes. And all of them have their own date fields.ย 

When there is a date filter applied against these visualizations, each of them has to apply it against their own date reference fields.

In order to maintain what is the date field in which index, we have this configured in this configuration parameter.

chartType : As there are different types of visualizations, this field defines what is the type of chart / visualization that this data should be used to represent.ย 

Chart types available are:

metric - this represents the aggregated amount/value for records filter by the aggregate es queryย 

pie - this represents the aggregated data on grouping. This is can be used to represent any line graph, bar graph, pie chart or donuts

line - this graph/chart is data representation on date histograms or date groupings

perform - this chart represents groping data as performance wise.

table - represents a form of plots and value with headers as grouped on and list of its key, values pairs.ย 

xtable - represents a advanced feature of table, it has addition capabilities for dynamic adding header values.

valueType : In any case of data, the values which are sent to plot, might be a percentage, sometimes an amount and sometimes it is just a count.

In order to represent them and differentiate the numbers from amount from percentage, this field is used to indicate the type of value that this Visualization will be sending.

action : Some of the visualizations are not just aggregation on data source. There might be some cases where we have to do a post aggregation computation.

For Example, in the case of Top 3 Performing ULBs, the Target and Total Collection is obtained and then the percentage is calculated. In these kinds of cases, what is the action that has to be performed on that data obtained is defined in this parameter.ย 

documentType : The type of document upon which the query has to be executed is defined here.ย 

drillChart : If there is a drill down on the visualization, then the code of the Drill Down Visualization is added here. This will be used by Client Service to manage drill downs.

aggregationPaths : All the queries will be having Aggregation names in it. In order to fetch the value out of each Aggregation Responses, the name of the aggregation in the query will be an easy bet. These aggregation paths will have the names of Aggregation in it.

insights : It is to show the data with the comparison of last year with arrow symbols, it will show the data in how much % is increased or decreased.ย 

_comment : In order to display information on the โ€œiโ€ symbol of each visualization, Visualization Information is maintained in this field.ย 


Postman collection for OBPS-dss: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/667f52a25918f7f5ba25

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