DIGIT UI: Internals - Development Guidelines & FAQs

DIGIT UI: Internals - Development Guidelines & FAQs

Development Setup and Guidelines

We will use this doc for development setup guidelines and FAQs.

Repo: https://github.com/egovernments/digit-ui-internals

Use the development branch as a base branch for the development.

Create branches as per following <bug/feature>/<JIRA ticket ID>, e.g.,

  • bug/LIN-90

  • feature/FSM-05

Once done with the change, create a pull request to the development branch. We will deploy and test this branch on QA and after the final QA signoff, it will be merged to the main branch with a release tag.

Clone the repo and following steps to start

## install yarn install ## start dev server yarn start

CSS Change

All css/scss styling will be added to /packages/css/src, this directory consists of 2 sub-directories currently

  • components - All the css/scss for react-components is written inside this subdirectory

  • pages - All the css/scss for components directly used inside the modules subdirectory i.e. /packages/modules/{MODULE}/pages/… is written in this sub-directory

Since we have used Tailwind Styling and traditional scss both you can incorporate both these styling syntaxes.

For compiling the written styled css, the developer needs to follow certain steps in CLI

## move in the css module cd packages/css ##start yarn server yarn start

This will kickstart scss/tailwind compiler



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