Water And Sewerage-Release Notes

Water And Sewerage-Release Notes

eGov Release Specification for Pay - Water & Sewerage in Punjab
Revision - 0.5 (after feedback from Ajoy)
CAVEAT - Yet to be signed off by Ajoy Sharma, CEO PMIDC

Release Specification

We will follow the Agile philosophy of making the first release as soon as possible and following it up with frequent releases

Release 1 (Target date - May end assuming f2f sign-off of FWSD, and availability of Punjab W&S SME by April 23)

Release 2 (+ approximately 1 month) and 3


  1. Replace current handwritten, book based, counter payment system to software based for limited number of ULBs and limited number of use cases
  2. Identify thematic data and process problems in target ULBs to help with PMIDC future plan for Uniform Water Policy (UWP) implementation
  3. Allow citizens to pay using web (must work well for mobile app based browsers)
  4. Handle metered connections and different payment schemes

    Get in sync with Ajoy
  5. figure out sewerage registry

    Minimal business process reengineering (by selecting target ULBs carefully)
  6. PDF bill & receipt printing will replace pre-printed stationery
  7. Employees will carry tablet / mobile and when collecting bills in the field will handout a handwritten receipt but system generated receipt number
  1. Mobile App?
  2. Punjab wide Release 2
  3. More revenue Release 2

    Our understanding is incomplete but we are almost certain that some business process reengineering will be required in ULBs with the deployment of eGov platform. Here are some examples (this is not comprehensive)
  4. Every ULB will be required to specify a common billing structure ULB wide (possibly UWP)
  5. Bill grouping strategy for printing & distribution may have to change
  6. Standard property, water, sewerage id format across state
  7. Current software systems will be replaced by eGov system

Target ULBs

In order to enable aggressive schedule, 5 or more target ULBs that are similar to each other in terms of connection types, water & sewerage billing logic, and bill generation process will be selected. We assume these ULBs have:

  1. Only non-metered water connections
  2. Water bill calculation(for both residential and commercial) is common through out the ULB and is plot based
  3. Sewerage bill is equal to water bill
  4. One billing frequency per ULBs
  5. All bills are generated in the same batch (one batch per quarter)
  6. There is no software being used and all bills are hand written
  7. Property and Sewerage connections are separately maintained

    5 target ULBs

Deployed in all 167 ULBs in a phased manner

  1. Bill collection is tap based - Release 2
  2. Replaces existing software system in ULBs that have them - Release 2


  1. Pay W& S only. Not Apply

Identify data & process issues

Will identify following gaps in data & processes (based on our understand UWP)

  1. Missing phone number(for better communication + distribution)
  2. Plot size (for consistent bill calculation logic across the state)
  3. Address (to allow integration with property tax and for bill distribution)
  4. Associating water connections with sewerage and both with property
  1. Will identify additional revenue opportunities, e.g., property with water but no sewerage and vice versa - Release 2

Database / Registry

  1. Property
  2. Citizen
  3. Water Connections
  4. Sewerage Connections
  5. Employee

Data Import

  1. Excel data uploader with data validations for all registries
  2. Authorized employee can edit demands - to be able to correct errors in historical data and introduced during data digitization exercise
  1. Data migration kit to allow replacement of existing software systems - Release 2

Water Bill Calculation

  1. Non-metered - Plot based billing (only one per ULB)
    1. If plot size is available - Plot size based
    2. If plot size is not available - Fixed fee (Rs. 200 per connection)
  2. Fixed per connection (but configurable)
  3. Metered Bill
    1. Base
  1. Tap based billing - Release 2
  2. Metered Connections - send out bill based on reading - Release 2
  3. Ad-hoc charges - Release 2

Sewerage Bill Calc

  1. Equal to water bill
  1. Based on number of seats - Release 2
  2. Based on plot size - Release 2

Rebates, Penalties, Exemption, Interests

  1. Exemptions : exempted upto plot size of 125 sq.yds
  2. Rebates : 10% ; date based
  3. Penalties : 10% ; date based
  4. Interest : to be figured out
  5. Configurations :
    1. ULB can enable / disable the ERPI from a list
    2. Can change the values of the ERPIs
    3. Can change the rule(number of days) for rebate & penalty

Bill Printing

  1. System generates bills in PDF format

Bill Generation

  1. Separate bills for water & sewerage
  2. One frequency per ULB (either bi-monthly or quarterly )
  3. Bills grouped based on the logic as being followed
  1. Batch wise grouping (for distribution) - to be thought through

Bill Distribution

No change

  1. Bills sent to mobile app or email - Release 2

Update Bill

  1. Authorized employees can edit / update demands to account for data errors (past / migration)

Payments & Collections

  1. Integrate with payment gateway
  2. Handling cheque bounce cases
  3. Receipt generation
  1. Part & advance payment

Meter Reader

  1. Search and view connections
  2. Capture current reading / Mark no reading taken

Counter Collections

  1. Search and View connections
  2. Collect payment and log payment details
  3. Generate and print receipts
  4. Collect cash / card / cheque / DD
  1. UPI integration - Release 2
  2. Integrate with wallets - Release 2

Field Collections

  1. Search and View connections
  2. Collect payment and log payment details
  3. Hand out manual receipts with digital-receipt number
  4. Collect cash / card / cheque / DD
  1. UPI integration - Release 2
  2. Integrate with wallets - Release 2

Citizen - self pay

  1. Pay through website
  2. Cards, net-banking
  1. Pay through mobile app
  2. UPI and wallets - Release 2


  1. Sent by SMS if mobile number available
  1. In app notifications - Release 2
  2. Email notifications - Release 2

Reports & Dashboard

  1. Region and date-wise reports on collections, demands, defaulters
  1. Visual and time-series charts for demand and collections - Release 2
  2. Region-wise drill down - Release 2

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