RDS Upgrade
Bring Down Nginx-Ingress Controller
Scale down the nginx-ingress controller to zero replicas.
kubectl scale deployment nginx-ingress-controller --replicas=0 -n <namespace>
Monitor Kafka Lags
Monitor Kafka consumer lags until they reach zero to ensure no pending messages.
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker> --describe --group <consumer-group>
If latest monitoring is available, use Kafka-UI to monitor Kafka consumer lags.
kubectl port-forward svc/kafka-ui 8080:8080 -n <namespace> # visit http://localhost:8080/kafka-ui to access dashboard
Backup RDS DB Instance
Create a snapshot of the RDS instance from AWS console or using below AWS CLI cmd.
Clone the DIGIT-DevOps repository.
Navigate to the cloned repository and checkout the release-1.28-Kubernetes branch.
Check if the correct aws credentials are configured using
aws configure list
Else run toaws configure
to configure AWS CLI.Open input.yaml file and fill in the inputs as per the regex mentioned in the comments.
Go to infra-as-code/terraform/sample-aws and run init.go script to enrich different files based on input.yaml.
Update engine version under module “db“ in main.tf file and run below terraform commands to upgrade RDS.
Post Upgrade
Login to DB and Execute basic SQL Queries
Login using existing credentials and run basic SQL queries.
Make sure both Admin & Read credentials are working as expected.
Restart Services
Restart all services connected to the database to ensure they are utilizing the updated instance.
Scale Up Nginx-Ingress Controller
Scale up the nginx-ingress controller to required N replicas.
Verify System Health
Monitor the overall system health to ensure everything is functioning as expected.